ON THE ROAD AGAIN – Marilyn Armstrong

Not a rainy day nor a sunny one. Just a day. Cold, no snow or rain. Coming home from Connecticut. Feeling better about the world.

Good thing I had a camera. Traffic was mostly bumper-to-bumper from when we left the Curley house until we were almost home. At least occasionally, until it was fully dark, I had something to do.

Not exciting pictures, but … pictures.

A cloudy sky

Clouds through the trees

Too many cars

Still too many cars

Darkness is falling

Through a tunnel

And back on the road, but getting too dark to shoot

I tried some interesting textures since the subject wasn’t exactly thrilling. I had fun playing with photographs. There’s not a huge amount of excitement between Connecticut and Massachusetts. Just too many vehicles.

Categories: #Photography, Cars and Trucks, Marilyn Armstrong, Traffic, Transportation, Travel

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11 replies

  1. No snow there….


  2. I hope Garry was driving, and not you 😉


  3. A couple of b pictures look surreal!


  4. That was a little bit nostalgic for me. It reminded me of the days when Mr. Swiss would be at the steering wheel and I would be busy next to him taking photos of our road journeys. If it was only to the local supermarket there was always something to see. Now I am the driver, he stays usually at home and taking photos whilst driving is not so good. I do not even chance it if I have to stop at a red light. They are not only photos, but memories. Loved sharing your views.


    • Thank you. I actually enjoy “road” pictures, though these weren’t exciting. But they were photos of a road so familiar. Just a 2-hour drive in decent traffic. In bad traffic, more like four hours. This was NOT good traffic. It was Friday night and we forget sometimes how heavy traffic is before or after a weekend.

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