BYE BYE FACEBOOK – Marilyn Armstrong

I have hated Facebook since they sold my private information to Cambridge Analytica and got  me hacked. Today, for reasons that escape me, they blocked me and that was one step over the line. I dislike what they do and how they do it. Zuckerberg is a jerk.

Garry uses Facebook a lot to keep in touch with old friends, but I can’t do it anymore. I don’t like Zuckerberg,  his company, politics, or greed. I have kept Messenger so you can try to get in touch with me that way, but to be fair, I never look at messages in Facebook. I can’t remember the last time I looked to see if I had messages, much less read any.

Twitter remains alive.

Meanwhile, it’s good-bye Facebook. I’m sure I’ll lose followers this way but you know? I really don’t care.

Categories: #News, Hacking, UPDATE!

26 replies

  1. Uh, just last week, I had to open a temporary account for a class I am taking…but found out there is no such thing as temporary. About 14 years ago (before we/I knew better), I opened an account. Almost immediately, a notice was emailed by Facebook to everyone, EVERYONE, in my MSN email address book, telling them I was inviting them each to become my friend! This included all my therapy clients!!!
    They could all see each others names!!
    I didn’t even use that address to sign up for Facebook!!!!
    What a mess. So I quickly shut down my account…but, get this, apparently it’s a little like Scientology, or something. Once you are theirs, they never let go. When I opened my new accnt for this class, using a completely different version of my name, it automatically opened that old (I thought discontinued) account and people are coming out of the woodwork, asking to be friends again!!! HOW DID THEY KNOW???
    So creepy. And by the way, soon after my original dust up with Facebook, all kinds of professions in the state of Washington wisely became restricted, by their ethics committees, from using Facebook, siting the lack of protection of client/student/parishioner confidentiality.
    Whew! That felt good to dump. Hope that’s OK and doesn’t offend anyone, or at least, not too many!!


  2. I like that articles are automatically posted to Facebook, so I will keep using that. I agree with your Zuckerberg opinion. I have been in Facebook jail for posting articles from mainstream media with a comment they did not like. I have had posting of articles from mainstream media, without any comment, removed. I was kicked off for a short time because two people I know were having a heated argument under an article I posted from the press. I did not take part and did not delete any because I did not think it rose to the level of concern.
    I tried to promote a recent article from here but was not allowed because they did not like the content. SO it’s like this, DJT can post any sort of lies he wants because it is not Facebook’s responsibility to check facts, but they can stop me from promoting an article where I researched the facts and posted sources. Obviously refusing my ten bucks is OK, but if you give millions you can just spread any lying propaganda you want.


  3. You won’t miss it Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I don’t think it’s a big loss. Good call.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. each day I use them less and less and am less and less impressed by them. by doing nothing, they are doing so much .

    Liked by 1 person

    • Zuckerberg may be the purest example of greed without any other positive things to make up for it. And now, his willingness to support all the wrong people and block anyone who writes what might actually be true is disgusting. I think it must have been a reblogged post about the COVID-19 epidemic, written by a doctor, which wasn’t incendiary or ranting. It was good science and highly informative. It just didn’t agree with Zuckerberg’s Trumpian position.

      Liked by 2 people

  6. Well done! I’m still dithering about doing likewise, though I agree with all you say about Zuckerberg. Perhaps your example is the push I need.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The weird thing is he didn’t start out like this. He was just a nerd with a good idea. It was after he got so filthy rich that suddenly, all the evil in him really bloomed. Money is not healthy for everyone. Some people be servers in coffee shop. They can’t handle anything higher end than that.

      Liked by 2 people

  7. I agree with you, Facebook is becoming intolerable.


    • It’s ugly. They let the frothing-at-the-mouth ranters say whatever they like because who’s going to listen to them anyway? But a reasoned, factual report on what has and is happening with our COVID pandemic? THAT gets blocked! The only reason for keeping it was to publicize the blog. I never read anything and people who want to get in touch with us know how to do it.

      Liked by 1 person

    • I was using it as a way of communicating, but if I can only communicate what they approve, then I want nothing more to do with them. I’m sure they’ll never notice my absence. They never noticed my presence either.


  8. I fully understand. The only reason I stay in Facebook is my old school site where I find contacts again from the days of 60+ years ago. The messenger us important to me as it is my connection to my grandkids that I do not often see. and of course my No. 2 son and wife. Otherwise it is more a habit


  9. I applaud you. I’m sure you will still have followers on wordpress without FB! 🙂


    • Maybe. I haven’t so much as written a message on FB since they hacked me. So regardless, I won’t miss them. They apparently blocked Garry, too. What did HE do?


    • I appreciate your thoughts, but since I don’t have a functional account, I don’t know how that could happen. I left my name up so people could see that I exist, but they’ll have to find my email or blog to actually get in touch.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Good call, I’ve been meaning to officially close my account for over a year now, maybe this weekend will be the one
