A man who speaks the truth discussing the man who wouldn’t know the truth if it sat on him.


Views from the Edge

Independence Day at Mount Rushmore

The Fourth of July feels a bit different this year. When the sculptors chiseled the 60-foot faces of Presidents George Washington (1732–1799), Thomas Jefferson (1743–1826), Theodore Roosevelt (1858–1919), and Abraham Lincoln (1809–1865), they could not have imagined a pyrotechnic desecration of national monument, although they knew their defacing of the granite desecrated the land once enjoyed by America’s vanquished First People. They could not imagine that in 2020 the four celebrated presidents’ statues would be toppled on public squares for having owned other human beings while their successor ignores a pandemic to shine the light on himself.

“Too much faith in ‘just one man'”

Weeks ago I learned that FoxNews host Tucker Carlson had asked my question. I have to check it out. Finding a YouTube of that particular Tucker Carlson Tonight episode, I can’t believe my ears or eyes.

“Many of our leaders believe…

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2 replies

  1. The Lakota will have the proverbial last laugh – on the other side of that same mountain a much larger image is being carved – Crazy Horse on his horse! And since beginning that project, the Lakota have constructed a lot more to celebrate their heritage – a store/museum featuring items from nearly every tribe in the U.S., an art workshop and an arts college for Native American students.

    Trump was not invited nor welcomed on land that legally belongs to the Lakota, and to conduct a patriotic rally without any required mitigation measures to prevent the spread of Covid-19 shows a crass disregard for the residents of that area.


    • Trump is most emphatically an unwelcome guest, but even Arizonans don’t want him and THEY voted for him. I think he’s unwelcome most places these days. New Yorkers (his home state) hates him. I think he got away with everything until the COVID number started to jump up everywhere … and suddenly, it wasn’t a hoax. A lot of people feel cheated, but I think they deserve it. They could have listened. They didn’t. They cheated themselves.
