I see that line every time I write something — in the old, old format. “SWITCH TO THE IMPROVED EDITOR” lurks above my editing every time I work. I would make it vanish if I could.

Why don’t I use the new improved format?

The new editor is definitely different, but it isn’t better. It’s more difficult to use. You need more steps to accomplish simple things.

Nothing has been done to improve the limitations of the original editing format. The spacing issues that have plagued every template I’ve used during the past six years are as bad or worse as are all the problems that come with pasting text from some other piece — even if it’s from another WordPress post. The “customization” has been reduced to the most simplistic possible format so you get choices like “Huge, Too Big, Too Small, Tiny, and “Can anyone read that?”

Nor have there been any improvements for editing pictures. Even simple stuff, like properly resizing a picture from native to “web sized.” Internally within the post, you are stuck using the standard font or a header. The “blockquote” function is always the wrong size.

We’re still putting bandages on your “other” improvements

Lately we’ve all been battered with WordPress’s “improvements.” I’m here to tell you:

Change isn’t inherently an improvement. An improvement means you’ve taken something which wasn’t working and made it better. Easier to use. More effective. With more options. 

At WordPress, improvements do exactly the opposite. You take something useful and remove a piece of its functionality. I have to assume there’s a reason for this, but I have no idea what it might be. I remember when you removed “edit” from the template and we complained. One of your “happiness engineers” actually asked why we needed an edit function?

Um, because we’re writers? Editors? Artists? Do the people who create our format use it? Do they consult people who do use it? Typically, your improvements make functions work less well than before, which I suppose makes them a dis-improvements.

I have a monumental investment in my site and am at an age where starting over is – pardon the pun – a non-starter. You might force me to quit. You may push out all your “old timers.” There is always a bill to pay when you refuse to listen to your customers. You won’t be the first major tech company to slither down that open drain.

Personally, I think you are slouching down a long, gravelly road to nowhere. Like so many formerly great platforms, the power you now hold will dwindle. I hope by the time you vanish, someone else will take over.

As for my failure to “SWITCH TO THE IMPROVED EDITOR” option?

You don’t actually believe your improved platform is better than the one we had anymore than you believe changing our font sizing option from “points” to “small” “normal” or “large” improved customizing. Or eliminating our ability to create our own colors made our templates look better. Or deleting all the challenges that enabled us to form relationships with each other improved our blogging and creativity.

You’re just following orders. After all, everyone needs a job.

Categories: #Blogging

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32 replies

  1. This takes me back to that stupid “bleep bloop” crap they were doing five years ago. Which was how I found your blog in the first place, I was searching for a way to thwart that.

    Although this is not the reason, I’ll soon be closing my WordPress site entirely and rebooting my blog on another platform. It will be nice not to have to deal with their crap.


    • Is there another platform? I haven’t found one. Please let me know!!

      Liked by 1 person

      • I am moving all my online course offerings to a paid platform called Kajabi. It also has a website maker and blog function that comes free with the main platform. It’s not a stand-alone platform and not free, unfortunately. I hate how WordPress monopolized the free blogging world. Anyway, I don’t want to lose you as a subscriber, so when the time comes I’ll let you know how to follow the new blog. Which will be much better than bleep bloop! 😃


  2. WP has a bad business model. Thanks to you Marilyn, I’m very leery of their offerings.


  3. As a retired computer teacher I wrote a few guides to the Block Editor for our How-To section on our site Weekly Prompts because I thought they would be useful for those who wanted to learn how to use the Blocks.

    Despite writing the guides, I find the Editor slow to load and slow to exit and I also think the editor is a little unstable.
    There are a few additional faults not worth going into right now, enough to say, Blocks aren’t for me.

    Most bloggers require a simple word processor with the ability to add a few images, we don’t need a processor that slows down the ‘process’ – I reverted to the Classic and I am no longer asked if I want to use the Blocks Editor.


    • I’ve used some exceptionally complicated software — but I was PAID to do that. This is supposed to be fun and that format isn’t fun. It makes everything more difficult and for what bloggers really do, there’s no reason to make it that complicated. We aren’t writing to government specs here.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. ” starting over is a non starter” I love that line.
    I know I will ultimately learn to use this editor efficiently but why shouldn’t I use that time creating content?
    I agree with you, not all change is good.


  5. I’m struggling getting to know a lap top and the difference in key spacing let alone the rest of that crap!


  6. I like the editor we have. I suppose I could get used to another. When I worked a freight forwarder and they were going to adapt an air freight system to do ocean freight we kept telling them it wasn’t the same. Finally, they sent two programmers to sit with a person who actually did the work and found out what the were doing was not what we needed. It was back to the drawing board and their beta application turned out to be close to worthless.


    • At Garry’s workplace, they spent a fortune buying a really awful software system. I helped him learn to use it, but for that kind of money, they could have gotten software that would have really worked. This was total crap. The people who buy the software rarely have any knowledge of what the people who work for them actually do and they never seem to ask. Much like WordPress.


      • I worked for a freight forwarder that had acquired such a bad system, it was a factor in my leaving. That and a horrible boss were too much.


        • I often wonder why companies who are buying technology don’t have someone who understands technology check it out. I don’t think most company’s are aware of how difficult bad software can make a job. It can also, if it’s done right, greatly improve it.

          Liked by 1 person

  7. I have learned to make it work for me. I started using it after their first big push because I was concerned that they would ditch the classic editor and then I would have no choice. Lately I have noticed that they are pushing the block editor really hard again. They also seem to be pushing making money from your site very hard which makes me think that they are not interested in writers so much as they are “influencers” who want to make money from blogging. I find it rather odd that WordPress.com seems to be competing with WordPress.org. Aren’t they part of the same business?

    Liked by 1 person

  8. We were told we still had the option to use the “classic” format, but that is not exactly true. As long as you’re typing text, yes, but when you put in a photo, you have no choice but to use a block. And if you have several photos that are right next to each other in your file, but you don’t want to use them all at the same spot in the post, you can’t do it. You have to download them one at a time. It’s tedious.

    However, I have discovered one thing that I like better on the new editor – if you have multiple photos together, like a collage, the captions appear right on the bottom of each photo. However, that’s a small thing.

    Anyway, I complained and criticized when it first started, and now I just give up.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I have always downloaded pictures one at a time and I’m sure they’ll never bother to change it. They don’t have a very good search engine for photographs, so if you don’t remember how to find them, the odds of their search engine finding them is pretty pathetic.

      Even in the oldest format, the caption has always appeared under each photo including in a collage. This was true even when I first started more than 8 years ago.

      Many problems people are bumping into aren’t new. They’ve been broken from forever ago — and were never fixed. They keep adding “new features” and refuse to fix “old problems.” That’s why their software is so bad. When you build “new” on top of un-repaired old software, you wind up with very undependable software.


  9. I agree Marilyn. This editor sucks big time.


    • I had hoped they would actually do something to so that we could properly size headings … like we did when customization was “real” and not a sham. Taking away the spell-checker was a misery for many of us. And a lot of their “templates” don’t work properly anymore. I doubt anyone has even checked to SEE if they still work. Colors are weird and the size of smaller headings is often so tiny, no one can read them without special glasses. One day, I’ll just give up. I wish they get someone to run the place who had a grip on what bloggers need and use.

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  10. OMG – I just had the biggest fight with the new editor. It is good for one thing, and one thing only, the poetry block because you can actually format a poem the way you want it (with changing indents etc). But everything else? Hoo-boy. I use clickable links – you see “Check out this blog” but it is also a link. Doing that on the new editor is such a PITA. I used the new editor just for today because I wanted to include a poem – but never again. If I ever post a poem again with will have to be one with just the standard format so I can continue to use the old editor.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I tried it for one day and I was ready to throw in the towel. Yes, I suppose I could eventually make it work, but why would I want to put that much effort into doing something that looks exactly like what I’m already doing … but without all the complications? Does anyone up there have any idea what we want? Has anyone asked us?

      Liked by 1 person


  1. Transitions: a message for my readers and subscribers. – SeanMunger.com