I think it was a mother and child. Certainly one of them was a nursing mother and I think the other was one of her “kids.” With the red squirrels, it’s harder to tell the age of the various squirrels because they are rather small. But these two looked “connected” in a very friendly way.

There were two of them on the feeder this morning at 8 am. Yes, we got up early because I had (sigh) another doctor appointment. This was the one with the pain doctor. First they surprised me by hitting me with a bill for $225 dollars. Huh? I said that if they were going to charge me that much money, we can forget treatments because that’s a quarter of my Social Security check. They waived the fee and the doctor said: “We will work it out.” Massachusetts is good that way and I am so clearly desperate for help. First, photographs, then, my news — or more realistically, my update.

And the best picture of the day! Mother squirrel shaking off the rain. We only got a little bit. Much more is expected later tonight and tomorrow!

Shaking the rain off his fur. I didn’t know it had rained until I saw this photograph! It must have rained earlier in the morning.


It’s getting better. The pain in my back is definitely less and I can actually sleep on my side, something I haven’t been able to do for at least the past ten years. So now I’m dealing with getting my stomach back to being ready to actually eat food. The pandemic is in high gear, especially around here so I’m not going anywhere.  The big question now is how well is this going to work and how long is the remission from pain going to last? But I’m definitely better and have a reasonable hope that I will be as close to “normal” as I get. What IS normal, anyway?

Categories: #animals, #gallery, #Health, #Photography, #Squirrel, Anecdote, Arthritis, Blackstone Valley, Nature, UPDATE!, Wildlife

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9 replies

  1. I’m so glad you’re doing better! And that pic of the shaking off of the water…Wow! That needs to be in a magazine!


    • Luck. Really because I didn’t see what was going on. The camera saw it, but my eyes aren’t that sharp. I just shoot as long as I have birds in my frame. I finally got it: you can’t WAIT for something to happen because by the time you see it, it’s too late to take the picture. I love that photo too, but the camera did the hardest part of the work.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. We’ve spotted a chipmunk and even a mouse at the feeder this fall…


    • We get those itty bitty chipmunks that are slightly bigger than a mouse, but much smaller than a full-size chipmunk. They are wildly adorable. We used to have mouse EVERYWHERE and I think finally, we don’t have mice. It’s so nice to NOT have things all chewed up by them!


  3. Good news indeed Marilyn. It has to be a big relief.


  4. What wonderful news! Ten years is a long time to have interrupted sleep! I’m so very glad the procedure worked!! Great photos!
