But Sometimes We Forget- by Rich Paschall

You may have run into someone at the mall , supermarket , or barber shop who looked familiar, but you had no memory of where you might have met him. Just when you are about to walk away, he comes right up to you and starts talking as if you are the best of old friends. Ouch! If you’re lucky, he’ll say his name or say something that offers you a clue that will help you figure out from where you know him. You absolutely don’t want to admit you don’t know the guy’s name, but sometimes you just have to fess up. Don’t we wish everyone would wear a name badge? Sometimes, after a long conversation, one of you leaves — and you still don’t know with whom you talked.

This is particularly embarrassing when it turns out to be it’s a colleague with whom you recently worked. I seem to eject a lot of peoples’ names from my brain as soon as I leave a job. The problem with that is if we keep working in the same industry, we will inevitably run into into the same people at industry events and  possibly at other jobs. It can feel as if you just can’t leave a job behind. It follows you.

Foggy morning

It’s not just former colleague names that can be a problem. You can forget family names, too. After all, how can you be expected to remember cousin Harvey, Harry, Hargrove or whoever it is when you only see him at one holiday party a year? Or worse, at an occasional wedding? Sometimes it’s better to forget old Harris or Harper anyway. If you are lucky, Harlan or Harlow doesn’t remember you, either. Maybe his name is Harpo.

We all suffer from walking into a room and forgetting why we went there. If it’s the kitchen, you can grab some food and hope it’s what you intended. If it is some other room room, I might decide to turn on the TV. If I find myself in the basement, I will get distracted by the cat, so I can blame my forgetfulness on the small furry one. On a positive note, in the bathroom, I pretty much always remember why I’m there.

Unlike many people who fear their memories are fading with age, I just think I have too much on my mind . I’m like a computer with a full hard drive. I don’t give into the notion that I’m “losing it.” I know plenty of young people who forget names or why then went into a room.  OK, I know a few. Some of us can’t remember what we had for lunch 30 minutes ago, but can remember all the words to a song from 30 or 40 years ago. I have seen people do karaoke from memory, and not by looking a the small monitor with the lyrics. It is in this spirit we bring you good news.

In case you’ve forgotten some of the best rock and roll songs you used to love, don’t worry. We are here to jog your memory. Today we offer you the top 10 Rock and Roll songs of all time. That’s right! The best Rock & Roll songs. What do you think they are? You can hum the melody but don’t remember the words or the singer — or band? Don’t worry your grey matter over this.

We’re on the case!

I have been searching for weeks to bring you this list, Righteous Brothers! We will work The Kinks out of your brains and restore you to The Human League. No need to go down to the Beach, Boys, because the memories would wash over you. We’ll bring the Top 10 and you can Kiss a few bonus plays, too. The work was a Risky Business, but we managed to dodge the Silver Bullet. Set your channel to SERENDIPITY Sunday.

Categories: #Photography, lyrics, Music, Performance

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6 replies

  1. Sometimes when you see someone out of context of their normal situation it can be very perplexing to recall their name. I ran into our greengrocer in a casino once. I knew him and he recognized me but neither of us knew each others name. We just said hi.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. A few years ago I was in an antique store in Rhode Island, a state I rarely visit.
    A friend and I were having fun looking at things.
    At some point one of the sales people starts talking to me like we were old friends. Not only that but he’s using my first name!
    I had no idea who he was and was so floored that I never asked him who he was or how he knew me.
    I asked my friend if she had said my name or anything and she swore she hadn’t.
    This guy must have used some sort of Jedi mind trick.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jedi minds tricks are more common than you may think.
      I had worked at the Neighborhood Boys Club for a few years and I read in a large church about once a month for a dozen years. A lot of the neighborhood knew me by name, but I did not know all of them. It was always a dilemma. Was I rude for not asking their name, or would it have been rude to ask because I should have know.?


      • Garry has given up and asks. Because as a reporter, EVERYONE knew his name and his face and what he did for a living, but he didn’t know most of them. Politicians have the same issue. I think anyone with even a hint of fame has the same problem. I know that some people — ministers, for example — make it a point to memorize everyone in their congregation, but most of us don’t or can’t.

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