I really thought we’d finally gotten rid of the Orange Menace, but he’s back. You’ve got to hand it to what’s-his-name. He wanted to be special and he is. Not in a good way, but who else has managed to get impeached twice? That’s about as special as it gets. It’s almost like getting another year of your show being on the air. Almost. Actually, this impeachment is nothing like the last impeachment. After getting past T—-‘s horrendous lawyers, today’s presentation was mesmerizing and frankly, terrifying and it made me cry. I understand (from commentators) that even those who wouldn’t look at the footage shown yesterday couldn’t stop watching today. The senate was silent, too including 50 Republicans who usually have a lot of whining and complaining to do. This time no one had anything to say. Maybe buried inside them is a conscience trying break free.

I wasn’t even crying for the people but rather for finding myself living in a very bad place — in one of those countries that T&@%$ described as shitholes. Those other countries may be desperately poor, but I think we are worse because we did it ourselves. We elected the moron. Freely and democratically.

What is wrong with us? For that matter, what’s wrong with the Republicans? How can they sit through this and not be tooo humiliated to look in a mirror? Aren’t they ready to die of shame? Of course, it’s possible that they have no sense of shame. I don’t think they are merely bad politicians. I think they are terrible people who deserve a lot more punishment than merely failing to get elected. But then again, what do I know? I just live here.

Jan. 6, 2021 — The Confederate flag inside the United States Capitol. It was a first!

While all of this was progressing, Owen baked French bread which was fantastic and we ate a lot of bread. By the time dinner showed up, I was so full of warm, fresh French bread, I could barely nibble at it. The bread was everything French bread ought to be. Crusty, light, tasty and hot from the oven, slathered with butter. Mmm. Yum.

There will be another day of this tomorrow and the day after. — and more, for all I know. It’ll keep me busy during however long it takes me to get vaccinated. I’ll probably watch because I can’t help myself. I need to see this however badly it ends. Personally, I really don’t care whether what’s-his-name is impeached or brought to court on charges in a regular court of law. Actually, I might like that even more because I absolutely love the idea of his inflated orange self spending the remainder of his years in a prison cell by which I mean a real cell in a real prison, not one of those comfy places where they send rich white offenders who are getting a slap on the wrist from doing terrible things with old peoples’ retirement money. No, I want him in a chilly, steel-coated Federal prison in a 10 X 6-foot cell with bad lighting and a hard, narrow bed.

Does my failure to forgive Orange-Head make me a bad sport? I find myself lacking a warm sense of forgiveness. He was a terrible president, a dreadful person. Whatever happens to him, I’m sure he deserves worse.

Pass the bread and butter.

Categories: #American-history, #gallery, #News, Government, Law, Politics

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15 replies

  1. 🥖 🥨🥖🍞🧈


    • I think if we don’t make enough American realize how wrong this was, that this won’t be the end of it. It will be the norm. If you don’t like the result of an election, start an insurrection. It will make this a terrible place to live — not for me because I won’t live to see the tragedies are waiting down the road — but for my granddaughter and all the other grandchildren.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I wonder why the name “traitor” hasn’t been applied to him and his cohorts. They certainly did and still are working against the principles of our country. I am sickened and saddened by the lack of integrity in so many politicians.


  3. And WTH is up with Mike Lee? The R’s baffle me, and not in a good way, either. More like in a ‘what is wrong with them?!?’ way.


    • I don’t know what is wrong with the GOP and I can’t understand why those people who attacked the capitol have so wrong that they feel they need to destroy their country. They are — by far — NOT particularly oppressed. These are people who own homes, have jobs, and their main complaint is that they are no longer the ONLY people with power. Shame on them, shame on everyone who partook and are now pretending “it’s no big deal.” If this isn’t the biggest deal of all, then I don’t know what it could be. But it could get much worse and that’s the fear.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. “He was a terrible president, a dreadful person.” Yes, and he was a corrupt president, a con man, a liar, a man without compassion, morals, empathy, or an ounce of decency. At the very least, he should be convicted by the Senate (he probably won’t be) and barred from running for office ever again (he probably won’t be). And if there’s any justice in America (there probably isn’t), he should spend the rest of his life behind bars.


    • If nothing else, I’m hoping enough people see this either live or on tape to begin to understand how bad this was and what it can lead to. We don’t have concentration camps, but if we brush this under the rug, a day will come when we do. I’m glad I won’t live that long.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. I can’t wait until we never hear his name again… As to the R’s, some of them are terrible people, and a handful are evil (that’s you, Ted Cruz), but most are more afraid of upsetting the base, those that still think Cheeto is God Incarnate, than doing the right thing. And upsetting right wing media, which would crucify any who dare cross Orange Muffinhead. i do hope that he-who-shall-remain-nameless is put on trial for treason when this is all done. He deserves to rot in jail for the rest of his life.
    I hope the French Bread is good!


    • Great French bread, baked in what I fear is going to be a tragic country. We started out with hope, even counting our mistakes — of which there were many. I cannot fathom that people who are supposed to be our protectors are such savages, such brutes, and such utter weaklings.

      I really hoped that at least a few of the GOP would show enough spine to not promote violence to any future candidate who doesn’t like the results of the vote. It’s a nightmare I NEVER expected to see.

      Liked by 1 person