Autumn Foliage – Coming up next!

Most of these were taken by Garry last October. Or maybe he took the pictures that made it to “square.” Lockdown notwithstanding, it was an amazing fall with some of the best color I’ve ever seen. I’m hoping we can have a “redo” this year.

All we need is for some drier weather. A little rain is fine, but if it rains all the time, the leaves turn brown and fall off the trees.

So let’s hear it for a beautiful end to the season. Considering how difficult life has been, it’s the least we can ask for. Don’t you think?

Categories: Anecdote

13 replies

  1. Beautiful! And soft.. the second last one.


  2. I miss the beautiful colors of fall in New England. Beautiful!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I hope you get your blaze of colour, Marilyn and Garry. Great pictures.


  4. absolutely stunning


  5. Amazing photos
