Fandango’s Provocative Question #160

So the question is:

Do you think, given everything that is going on in the world, that children born these days will have a worse or better life than their parents? Why do you feel that way?

Do you really need to ask? Considering the quality of the air, water, and earth and the dying off of many of the other creatures who have made our world what it is, how could there be a better life? I think it would be a lucky break of children born today manage to break even and survive the life we have bestowed on them.

It’s one of the things that I most hate about these right-wing crazy cakes that are in the process of destroying everything we tried so hard to do that was good and leaving behind autocracy, monopolies, corporate monstrosities, and a desperately damaged earth.

If I really stop to think about it, I will be horribly depressed. So I’m NOT thinking about it. I can’t let my brain go there. I feel — for the first and only time in my life — truly helpless in the face of the massive evil that has been launched in this country and around the world. I am dismayed and appalled that we are so stupid as to not even see what we are doing and what it means.

If I can’t fix it and can’t think of how to begin fixing it, what’s the point of brooding about it?

If I were of child-bearing age today, I would not have children. It’s going to be an even uglier world than it already is — and for many people, it’s terrible in 2022. I can only despair when I think of the future. I feel blessed we live in the country and don’t have to stare at concrete every day.

I feel as if I owe an apology to the children. I didn’t start the fire and all my and my friends’ efforts to put it out utterly failed. We trusted in the intelligence of Americans and other nations to move forward and create a more rational, loving, peaceful world and we have gotten exactly the opposite.

A better world? How about leaving them a world in which humans can survive? I’m not even sure about that, so as for the rest of it? I’m not thinking about it. I’m drawing pictures of flowers and birds and living in the moment.

If my generation couldn’t fix anything that would last one — our own — lifetime, it’s very hard to be optimistic about what we humorously call “the future.”

Categories: #FPQ, Anecdote, Chickadee, Drawings, Provocative Questions, questions

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15 replies

  1. I have arrived at the same conclusion as you, Marilyn. If I can’t influence it or change it, I’m not going to dwell on it because it makes me feel anxious. I am also writing my book and poetry and focusing on good things as much as possible. Of course, the last 7 months of crazy work are a good distraction from world events.


  2. I remember being told to duck and cover as a young child. This feels much worse but then I’m old.


  3. Like you, were I 30 or 40 years younger, but living in today’s world, I would probably opt to not have children and bring them in to such an uncertain future. Still, I was thrilled when my grandson and granddaughter were born and I certainly understand why my son and his wife wanted to bring new life into the world. It’s instinctual. But I worry about what kind of life they will have as our planet loses its ability to support human life due to the selfishness, greed, and stupidity of their elders.


    • We haven’t been able to give them much. It wasn’t for lack of wanting, but we trusted too many people to do the right thing — AND we trusted that those people knew what the right thing would be. I am at a loss to know what to do. I don’t have money to donate and marching isn’t in my cards — not that I think it would make any difference. It’s a bit of a horror show. Maybe there IS a God and he doesn’t LIKE us very much. All those fake prayers for the victims of our own greed and stupidity when what was and is needed is that we DO something to fix the problems. But I don’t see anything going on that leads me to the belief that it will get any better.

      I guess, in my youth, this nightmare world was never even imagined. I love my granddaughter, but I don’t think she is going to be the ancestress of a long lineage. Now, I’m going to try and cheer myself up because I need cheering.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I still have hope that our young people will find a way to fix these problems they’ll inherit.


  5. Humanity has never “fixed” a single problem they have created yet we survive. Weird huh?

    The thing is that humanity has evolved as a result of conflict and the irony in that is that all the “little people” never get a say in conflict. Our job is to endure it and to provide the means by which our leaders fuel conflict. The despondency felt by many at the state of the world is due in part because so many of us have been insulated from the really nasty things that go on around us and now we have no option but to confront what is before us. That can be the problem with a period of peace and prosperity that goes for an extended period of time in that we forget what hardship truly is.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I also think we trusted too many people to follow the laws we made and do the right thing. They don’t even know what “the right thing” IS and they have no idea what they should do. AND THEY DO NOT CARE.

      Given all that, my lack of optimism is gut deep and very unlikely to go away. I was sure that somewhere in this great land there was some intelligence and we would find a way.

      We didn’t find anything except more — and worse — of the same tragedies that have stalked us for all eternity. It’s depressing.


  6. Your spot on Marilyn!
    I couldnt agree more with your points here!


    • We were naïve. We assumed that what was right was obvious — that good people would see what was wrong and fix it. We never imagined our country being run by people who don’t care about us or even if this nation will have a future. And worse, it’s a problem that extends well beyond our borders.

      I’m going back to bed. I think that’s my best bet for the day!
