CMMC April Close Up or Macro

I used to do more macros and fewer close ups. I’ve switched it around because a lot of the time, I prefer to look from just a wee bit further away.

The Duke

Categories: #Birds, #Flowers, #Photography, dogs, Goldfinch, Macro, orchids

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4 replies

  1. Your photos are all terrific close ups. 😀 😀 Thanks Marilyn for playing along!!

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    • Thank Cee. It’s fun. It will be even more fun when the outdoor flowers begin to bud and bloom. We have tons of shoots and I’m pretty sure we’ll have daffodils any day now, then columbine. But not quite yet. It’s still too cold at night. Warm by day, though. We’re getting there.

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  2. I have no preference for either, I just do what empires me at the moment. Sometimes I get surprised…

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