Every once in a while — which is to say very, very rarely — I get an automatic deposit to my bank account from Amazon. Someone, somewhere bought my book. So imagine my excitement when I got a notice from my bank that a direct deposit had been made to my account. Yes, it happened again. Someone bought my book. Someone in Japan.


Today, I got the official notification. Are you ready?

Hi, MARILYN, money was deposited into your account
Amount: $0.13
Your Account On: June 29, 2022

I’m not sure where to spend all the money, but I’m sure I’ll think of something!

Categories: #Writing, Anecdote, Books, Money

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18 replies

  1. Smiling…. and reading the comments, smiling again!


    • Every time I get a royalty deposit (they have occationally actually been a few dollars!) I remember why I didnt bother to write another book. If it isn’t going to make at least a modest amount money, it’s not worth a year of work.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Use some restraint, my friend, and don’t splurge all in one place…


  3. You go girl!!! Have you thought about what you’re going to use it for yet? Take your time … don’t blow it all on frivolous things … 😉 Seriously, though, congratulations. You have earned 13 cents more than I ever have from my writing!


  4. Such a huge sum. Go on a shopping spree. 😂
