The best sketches of each month since I started in January. My development has been a bit bumpy and lumpy. Still, six months into the project, I thought it was time for a review to give me a chance to see what I’ve done. What I like. What I don’t like. I’ve omitted more than I than included.

It’s almost exactly 6 months since I started drawing, so it’s interesting to see how far I’ve come — or not come. The apple, which I draw at the end of my first week was the single item that made me think I might have a bit of talent.

Categories: #Sketchbook, Arts, Drawings

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21 replies

  1. Marilyn, you are very talented. Continue to grow your gifts and hone your skills. You are blessed to be creative and possess such abilities.


    • Thanks Janelle. I wish I’d started a bit sooner, but I am enjoying have a more “hands on” creative outlet. My mother painted and I probably picked up a lot from her. She was always talking about art and artists. I suppose you can’t help learn something along the way.


  2. Absolutely stunning! I love the progression too, which you’ve documented as you go through and you keep improving and improving. Very impressive!

    Liked by 1 person

    • There were a lot of really bad ones that not only didn’t make it to this, but never made it beyond the page on which they were drawn. I think I keep them to remind me that you never get too good to do bad work. Just when I think “Hey, I think I’ve got it,” I turn out something really awful. It happens with photography and writing, too. No one ever gets perfect.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I especially love the sketches of our furry kids. Gibbs aka “Poor Larry Talbot/The Wolfman” elicits a tiny tear and a big smile. Bonnie is still my sweetheart and The Duke my shadow.

        Shout outs for “A Wintry Sunset” and “Day’s End”.

        “Ghosts In The Valley” is so cool — A B cowboy flick poster or Tex Ritter cover song.

        The “Garry sketch” should be sent to NCIS, Bluebloods, CSI and all the FBI’s. He’s clearly a “POI”

        The birds are well represented.

        6 months? You’ve come a long way, Baby.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Echoing Sadje. Definitely talent shows in every sketch. Especially struck by the Wintry sunset and adjacent Indian corn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you very much. The Indian corn was, after the apple, the next picture that made me hope the improvement was ongoing.

      I love drawing larger scenes, but the arthritis in my hands objects, so I have to pace myself. The bigger ones are fun and satisfying but take a couple of days to complete. I can get the initial drawing done in an hour or two, but the coloring takes time. I am impatient, but you can’t force arthritic hands if you want them to continue functioning. When they say “stop now,” you stop. Now.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. The inherent talent shows through from the very first sketch! Awesome

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