FOTD – August 18 – Red Flowers Back – Encore Performance

They bloomed like crazy all through June, then went dormant through July. But now, they are back — and so are the hummingbirds. We don’t have hummingbird feeders because of the 🐜 problems that come with that sweet stuff — and that the deck is right next to our kitchen. But hummingbirds are happy to come visit those bright red flowers even without feeders.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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6 replies

  1. Oh I really like your last photo. THese are so fun and I love the red 😀


    • Years and years ago, when I was really just a teenager, I was told that birds — especially hummingbirds — love red and pink. This was confirmed when one day, when wearing a pink bathing suit, a hummingbird came and landed on me. I passed this information to Owen so when he picked out plants for the boxes and pots most are either red or pink. And the hummingbirds have shown up, just like I was told they would.

      Birds not only see color. They see colors beyond the range we can see. Many can see ultraviolet colors and there are a lot of questions about HOW exactly they see. Do they see the same shapes we do or is it just all vibrating colors? The more I learn, the more questions I have. And it takes my mind off this endlessly dry summer.


  2. So beautiful🌷


    • They are beautiful and the birds love them. The birds don’t just drink the nectar. A lot of the little birds — Goldfinch for example — actually EAT them. That’s why so many of them have little missing pieces along the edges.

      Squirrels eat flowers too, though they do seem to favor Chrysanthemums.

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