The Garden Dawdler

I thought I’d try out the questions this week being as all I seem to have on my mind is reading and sleeping.

Is the WHY to everything important?

To me it is, but I’ve gotten the hint that this is not true for everyone. I have had to rein in my tendency to over-explain everything. If something interests me, I want to know more about it, after which I want to know even more. I’m just like that. Not everyone is the same. I’m working on being better about it.

What would you list as your Top Five Fun Things?

1- Roller coasters. Preferably really BIG ones. 2- Sunsets and sunrises over lakes and seashore. 3- Writing something of which I’m proud. 4- Taking pictures that need no more than a quick crop and a signature. 5- Cooking somethine truly delicious.

I think I need more than five because I haven’t gotten to great conversations with friends or dogs or birds or mountains.

Should we care about the dreams of others or only our own?

I’m not sure I care about my OWN. Now, I thought this was about actual dreams, as in those you have while you sleep. If it meant something else, oops.

How well do you deal with criticism from others?

It depends on whether the critique is kind or mean. Well-meaning criticism is always taken seriously. I may not do it, but I will always listen. Mean criticism? No way.

Do you say YES or NO more often, and which is it?

I say yes even when I mean no. I can’t help it. It’s built in.

What is nose hair for?

I think it was designed to filter out stuff — dust, sand, dirt, pollen. It doesn’t do a very good job, though.

What is the funniest comment you have ever received?

I don’t remember, but I’m sure there was at least one. I just don’t remember what it was. That’s the thing about aging. You forget stuff. LOTS of stuff. Constantly.

Novels or Netflix?


Do good things come to those who wait?

You couldn’t prove it by me. Mostly, from what I’ve seen if you wait long enough, you die before you get where you wanted to be. Death is irritatingly finite and to the best of my understanding, permanent.

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Q & A, questions

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18 replies

  1. Hey Marilyn, great answers. The mention to finding fun in something you are proud of achieving is a good one to include. I also find that a fun thing to make mention to and yet seemingly people don’t seem to find the fun in achieving something anymore. Maybe it is terminology – maybe more people see it as achievement or rewarding, me it’s fun. I am a Why person also, being naturally curious about everything l always want to know more.


    • I think too many people think anything that’s difficult is work so it can’t be fun. I had some jobs that were enormous fun. Not every job, but quite a few of them. My objection to work was that I had to go every day and often had a long commute to get there. When I was able to work at home, I got a lot more done and was a lot less stressed, too.

      If achievement isn’t fun, then what’s the point? I get such a bang out of writing something I think is really good — or growing an orchid — or taking a really good photograph. Since no one is paying me to do these things, if they weren’t fun, why WOULD I do them? They aren’t making me rich!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Speaking of “cooking something delicious,” Marilyn, it may be past time for one of your Chinese food extravaganza posts (when you’re fully in post-Covid fettle, of course. Please? Pretty please?


  3. The last one made me laugh… to my sure and certain knowledge, nothing good ever comes to those who wait…


    • Sometimes, relationships take too long before they develop. Garry and I danced around how we felt about each other for more than 20 years, though I have to say, HE did most of the dancing while I moved on. One of his stated reasons for marrying me was his fear that if he didn’t, I’d marry someone else. I doubt that I would have. I was pretty “off” men by then and was seriously working on living on my own. But he was sure I’d find someone and get married before he got his oar in the water. Big secret? His oar was ALWAYS in the water, but he was too busy working to give life a chance. Personally, I don’t think all the waiting improved anything. We missed dozens of younger and happier years and all the waiting did was let us get older.

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