First off, this isn’t a blog about “Senior Moments”. You know, like when you get up and go into another room and the second you enter the other room you can’t for the life of you remember why you’re there. (Note: Young people have plenty of senior moments. We have too much stuff to remember.)

The annoying part is that the only way to remember why you went in there is to go back to the room you started in. As soon as you do, you immediately remember why you got up in the first place. “Oh right. I have to pee.”

This post is about memory and memories. Why does my brain work the way it does? Why do I remember some things and not others? I went to college. I was a biology and pre-med major. I took lots and lots of science courses. Biology, physics, math, and chemistry. I got good grades. All A’s or B’s.

I learned lots of stuff. I knew calculus. I knew what a derivative was. No, not the financial thingies that caused the global crash of 2008. Equations that started with dy/dx, or something like that.

Notice the past tense in these last sentences? I knew all these things. Today, all that information is gone. Vanished as if I never took any of those courses. Actually, I do remember that there was something called the “Krebs Cycle.” It had to do with respiration or metabolism. I know it’s something we all do that’s very important. If we don’t do it, we die. But that’s all I remember. Yet, with no effort at all, I can recite all the words to the theme song to the 1960’s TV show Mr. Ed!!!

mr ed

“A horse is a horse of course of course, and nobody can talk to a horse of course. That is of course, unless the horse, is the famous Mr. Ed.” I could go on to the second verse. But I won’t. Hell, I can even recite the words to “Car 54 Where Are You?” And I didn’t really watch the show very often.

“There’s a hold up in the Bronx,
Brooklyn’s broken out in fights.
There’s a traffic jam in Harlem that’s backed up to Jackson Heights.
There’s a scout troop short a child.
Khrushchev’s due at Idlewild.
Car 54 where are you?”

I swear I wrote those from memory. They flowed effortlessly from my brain, like crap through a goose. I didn’t Google them. Which brings me to my next point.

We live in an amazing age. We have all the knowledge of the world literally at our fingertips. Any question you could possibly think of can be googled. It’s gotten so easy that you can type the most rambling of questions and still get the right answer.

For example, a while ago I got into a conversation about time travel and it reminded me of a movie I’d seen a long time ago. It was about an aircraft carrier that went back in time to just before Pearl Harbor. I couldn’t for the life of me remember the name so I typed the following sentence into Google:

“There was this movie a long time ago about an aircraft carrier that goes back in time to just before Pearl Harbor and ….”

At this point, Google popped up “The Final Countdown.” It listed the cast, the plot, and where I could buy it. All before I could finish typing a full sentence! Wow! It made me realize I could use the internet to bring back all that science knowledge I once had. Not happening. I use it for far more important stuff like finding out the name of the actor my wife and I are watching on TV. We know we’ve seen him or her on some other show but can’t for the life of us remember either his/her name or the show’s name. Google it or go to IMDB.

“Oh, right! She was the head doctor on that show we used to watch back in the ’90s!”

“Right! She was married to … what’s his name?  He was on … what was the name of that show?”

Back to Google. So in the end, I still don’t know why my brain works the way it does. If you’re interested, here’s a link to the Kreb’s Cycle.

When I started reading it, I actually remembered most of it. Although I gotta admit. It was pretty dull. Mr. Ed was a lot more fun. Hmm. Maybe I do know why my brain works the way it does.

Categories: Humor, Movies, Remembering - Memories, Television, Tom Curley

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5 replies

  1. Okay. The Krebs cycle clearly requires a number of things:

    Having taken at least one semester of chemistry in high school and/or college
    A fundamental understanding of how food is metabolized
    NOT being too old to remember anything I didn’t already know.

    Zero for three. Total fail.


  2. Ah, the Kreb’s Cycle, not what it used to be, it’s far more complicated now, just like life.


  3. I so get this


    • Me too. I used to know a LOT about software design and the design of UI’s and so much more. Now? I get lost trying to set up a Samsung Galaxy tablet — but I think it is ALL THOSE PASSWORDS. I can remember one or two. After that? Gone. And all that technical stuff? Gone. Software design? Do they even use the same languages anymore? Technology is in the fast lane. I am not.

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