WQ #165: Rejoice — Spring is here!

A Prayer in Spring

Robert Frost1874-1963

Oh, give us pleasure in the flowers to-day;
And give us not to think so far away
As the uncertain harvest; keep us here
All simply in the springing of the year.

Oh, give us pleasure in the orchard white,
Like nothing else by day, like ghosts by night;
And make us happy in the happy bees,
The swarm dilating round the perfect trees.

And make us happy in the darting bird
That suddenly above the bees is heard,
The meteor that thrusts in with needle bill,
And off a blossom in mid air stands still.

For this is love and nothing else is love,
The which it is reserved for God above
To sanctify to what far ends He will,
But which it only needs that we fulfil.


I know spring officially arrived yesterday, but so did a big drop in temperature. So the early flowers — in our case, crocuses of which we had many this early spring, are now gone. The daffodils are ready to bud as soon as the weather warms.

I have an old book, published in 1899. I bought it from a used bookseller a few years ago because it contains of lot of poetry my mother knew, but for which I could never find the originals. All of its contents are children’s poems and many were also songs. I have never found the poems, lyrics, or music anywhere.

I have the words (and music) in my head. My mother sang these songs, but they are pretty much lost to the world. This book is a compilation of poetry, mostly by authors unknown. Collected and arranged by Lida Brown McMurry and Agnew Spofford Cook. This 17th edition was published in 1899, Bloomington, Illinois. There’s a whole section for each season and for various moods and events but aimed at first and second graders, ages 6 and 7.

Other than crocus, we have one other blooming flower — or had last week.

It was far more springy a week ago than now. We had one lovely week. Warm, windy, sunny days and crisp nights. The crocus bloomed with enthusiasm and many baby birds flapped unevenly to have their first banquet at our birdseed buffet.

Other than crocuses, nothing outside is blooming. This cold patch, is supposed to last about a week, won’t help bring the flowers. But it will warm up. Maybe more than we want, but it will come. Spring will come, however briefly and the flowers — most of them — will bloom. The leaves will stop pollinating and become a green canopy of shade.

Finally, because I found this kind of adorable:

Categories: #Birds, #Flowers, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Gardens, Spring

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24 replies

  1. still shovelin’ that white stuff here Marilyn.


  2. I enjoyed that spring prayer. Also loved your photos. I need to plant some crocus. Wow. That book sounds really neat. I love finding treasures like that. LOVE the birds! You have some beautiful ones.


  3. Oh my gosh. This post is adorable from start to finish. Your purple crocuses are exquisite, Marilyn. I particularly like the one with the white and purple contrasted on the dark brown. It has a number of lines, horizontal and vertical. It could almost represent the Easter cross. If I were a photo analyzer, I could spend hours on that one photo.

    You are a fabulous photographer. I agree with you about the video, “Spring Is Here.” It is so cute. Thanks for being part of WQ.


    • Thank you! I used a very different lens this time. It worked way better. Usually, I use a macro lens, but macros are fussy and handle light differently than standard or telephoto lenses. This time I used my 12-200mm lens and shot them from a distance using the telephoto to get in tighter. The light was less glaring and the pictures were sharper. I also got lucky with the light which was slightly west of directly overhead. The color of those purple crocus was outstanding this year. It was deep and rich. Sometimes there’s more white on the flower, but this year, the purple was dominant and the oak leaves added enough texture to make it interesting. I had very little processing to do; one of the times when the picture didn’t need anything except a signature and reducing its size.

      Liked by 1 person

      • That’s nice when that happens. I don’t know of any online art shows, but that one photo with the leaves is a winner in my book!


        • Thank you VERY much. Compliments from people as talented as you are a big deal 🎈☺️


          • Well your talent is a big deal, my friend. 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

            • I’m secure in writing while feeling undereducated in art. I’ve been trying to reconcile what I think of my abilities to what they are. My husband and son feel I should learn to take a compliment. I’ve been working on it. I might get there eventually. I suspect there’s an OCD thing and a bit of perfectionism in me. It leaves me feeling I could have done more and better.

              Maybe we ALL feel that way? I have always suspected if you get too self-satisfied, that’s when your work starts to decline.

              Liked by 1 person

  4. Welcome to spring and heres to many warmer days ahead and more blooming daffodils and other flowers too!


    • We have a big patch of daffodils, but no buds. It would be very early for them anyway, but this warm-chilly-warm-chilly weather confuses flowers and sometimes, they bud early — but the temps drop and the buds fall off. I hope the buds wait until this (I hope) last cold patch ends.


  5. a stunning post, Marilyn. Celebrating the arrival of Spring in style!


  6. sure hope so !)


  7. A lovely poem to welcome spring.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Those purple crocus images are stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Thank you. I had the right light. When I shoot pictures in that garden, I need the sun slightly west of overhead. That way I get light, but not so bright that it burns out all the highlights. I should consider using a polarizer, but those filters cut out details I want to keep. It’s a bit of struggle.

      Liked by 1 person


  1. WQ #165: Rejoice – Spring Is Here! – Marsha Ingrao – Always Write