Cee’s Black & White Challenge: NUMBERS


I knew I had pictures with numbers somewhere. I just had to remember where.


I need a better filing system.

72-BW-No-4-Pops-12-11-14_097Let me rephrase that. I need a filing system.


Categories: #Photography, Architecture, Challenges

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23 replies

  1. Marilyn, I like them all but the last is my favorite. I laughed at your filing system comment. My photo are all “filed” by date or by device (iPad, Nikon, and, mostly, phone.) But I have so many photos that trying to figure out how to file them is overwhelming. I end up scrolling through photos when a challenge comes up, sometimes knowing what I’m looking for and where it is, sometimes only the first, sometimes just looking.



  2. Love the first shot. Looks like out of an old movie


  3. Love that last one. I have started a filing system – different folders for each challenge etc. Helps a lot to keep track of which photos I have used. Trying to be organised is not that easy.


    • I’m SO past anything resembling organization. Most of my folders are by month, the others by location (and sorted by year because we go the same places many times). I can’t find anything.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I had to do something. I have lost one folder completely. That is I don’t know what date it is or even the name of the folder. I just hate spending time searching fruitlessly.


        • I’ve never lost a whole folder — that I know of (which means for all I know, I actually HAVE lost more than one) — but I’ve lost individual pictures. Spent many long hours searching for them and never found them. No idea where they went, what happened, how it happened. I back everything up to external hard drives, but because my filing “system” is not a system, having the pictures and being able to find a specific picture are two very different things.


  4. It is so fun to see you having fun with my challenges. I like your last photo the best 🙂


  5. Let me find out mine. Great pictures especially the last one. Well captured.


    • The last picture, old number two, the fire engine retired to a vacant lot at the end of my street (or is it the beginning of my street?) is one of the first pictures I took after I got a “real” camera. I havne’t been there since last summer, but I must stop by and visit the old truck soon. Would you be interested in participating in this challenge? It’s what you do anyway. Post a picture and talk about it or the experience of taking it … or whatever it reminds you of. A paragraph will do!

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yes, I can give it a try. I would like to write about my pictures for sure. Thanks for sharing the details of the pictures. I am about to share mine for artsy.


        • I see the Cee invited you too. Your pictures of the mountains were magnificent. You post pictures all the time, so it doesn’t matter who you are linking to. The fun part is talking about the pictures, or what the pictures remind us of. Glad you like the idea. I liked it too. I may keep doing it because … why not?

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thank you so much for the invitation. Yes, Cee has also invited me to join. I will link it with both. Basically it is the idea which link us all together.


            • Thanks for the support. I don’t understand people who complain all the time about stuff, but won’t take advantage of what IS available. I don’t get it. Maybe the complaining is the point. Finding a solution is not the goal.

              Liked by 1 person

  6. I like all your images here but the final truck in the snow is well taken and processed. It’s not easy maintaining detail in snow without blowing out the highlights.


    • Thanks Bob. I took the reading on the truck’s face and let the snow — which is white anyway — burn out. It was the only way I could get the truck detail and the snow as contrast. As it turns out, I managed to retain some of the snow detail anyway, more than I expected. Would you be interested in the 5-photo-5-day challenge? It’s kind of what you do anyhow. Pick a picture, write something about it, or what it reminds you of. I’ll nominate you and you can choose to participate or not. As I said, it is pretty much what you do — what we all do — anyhow.

      I may do it every day because it makes my pictures into prompts. I have a LOT of pictures.

      Our garden, or the remnants and rubble of it, is beginning to bloom. After all that snow and ice, it’s coming back. Let’s give a round of applause for the flowers 🙂
