Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Chutes and Ladders

Lots of ladders and chutes (ramps) down by the water. This is the marina in Connecticut, a dock in Hyannisport on Cape Cod, and the Tea Party wharf in Boston Harbor.

Chutes - and maybe a few hidden ladders

Chutes – and maybe a few hidden ladders

Ladders on the dock in Hyannisport

Ladders along the piers in Hyannisport


Boat ladder – also called a companionway

Chutes - ramps at the Tea Party wharf in Boston

Chutes at the Tea Party wharf in Boston

cee's fun foto chall

Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Harbors, New England

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9 replies

  1. love your choices for chutes! I didn’t know the boat ladder had another name! 🙂


    • It depends on its location in the boat. I think internal ladders are companionways and external ones are ladders, but I could be wrong. I should look it up, I suppose. Okay. I was right. Definition is: Companionway – Noun: A set of steps leading from a ship’s deck down to a cabin or lower deck. So within the ship or boat, it’s a companionway, but coming from the dock to the boat, it’s a ladder.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Your photos sure take ones mind off the snow outside in the most enjoyable way, Marilyn.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the water. So enjoyable, again wonderful pics.


  4. Boats and docks have great chutes and ladders. Wonderful post for this week. Thanks Marilyn. 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    • You are welcome and thank you for making all this possible! I went and found a few pictures I hadn’t processed. It turns out I have thousands of pictures waiting to be processed. One of these is from archives, but all the others are new. I need to do some searching through my folders!

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