RDP #41 – VINTAGE STUFF – Marilyn Armstrong


Each time I get one of these “Vintage” things, I think I should post pictures of Garry and I. We are definitely vintage, though today has been a yeoman’s effort at house cleaning — or at least cleaning the kitchen, living room, stairs, and foyer.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – circa 1928

It would have been less strenuous if Gibbs has not thought this was a great time to go swimming in the water bowl. Each time I cleaned up the gallon or two of water all over the floor, I’d turn around and there was another gallon there. And of course, the water bowl was all full of mud and the VERY clean kitchen floor had his muddy footprints on them. So you could say we have a thrice cleaned kitchen and hallway floor.

Qing dynasty rice bowl, typically used by field workers. The blue chicken is a cultural thing. The bowl is almost 200 years old — and it isn’t even close to my oldest piece of pottery.

This was the day I moved cabinets to get behind them (ew!) and under the feet (double ew!). Next time I have the courage of my convictions, I’ll move the piece in the middle where I store the pots and pans, as well as the dog, treats et al. It doesn’t get moved because it’s heavy. There’s a lot unloading of other things before we even think about moving it. Not an easy job for a couple younger than we and a huge job for us.

Ana McGuffey – 1946 – Mme. Alexander – Doll’s faces are intended to embody the “adorable” factor of real toddlers.

There are an awful lot of vintage things around this place, even discounting Garry and me as the primary vintage couple.

See the pictures for other vintage items and wave to us as the vintage couple who seem to collect stuff even older than we are. Old, older oldest?

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Dolls, Humor

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10 replies

  1. Love the tractor


  2. Your sense of humour is anything but vintage!!! At least you can still grin and bear it…. so many have lost the joy of making somebody else smile! 🙂


  3. Vintage is very sought after, Marilyn.


    • It used to be. I know because I used to sell it. I had a shop which I ran for several years for collectibles and antiques. But changes have come. Younger people are not as interested in antiques or collecting as we were. That may be because they don’t have enough room … or their money goes to other things. Nonetheless, change has come. It’s not ALL over forever, but it’s different than it was a few years ago.


  4. Wooot Garry. I think I’m in the vintage category, or if not, close to it. Vintage is good! 🙂


  5. Vintage just said Mr. Swiss and me, but I doubt it. Vintage means valuable and worth money, somthere must be something wrong somewhere

    Liked by 1 person

    • A lot of things that are old used to be worth something, but for some reason, no longer are. Kids aren’t collecting antiques these days. Value is just how much someone will pay for an item. If it is old, OUGHT to be valuable, but no one wants it — it has no value. I have many formerly valuable items around here — including Garry and me — but no one is willing to pay. So we are vintage, but not valuable. But we SHOULD be!

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