Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Catching People Unaware

I don’t take a lot of snapshots of people. I take a lot of animal snapshots and this year, I took a lot of shots of our town being happy as the Christmas parade was about to start. That was different for me. I think, on the average, I like animals better than people.

Ben, the friend – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

About birds and feeders. I put up the bird feeder because every winter, I’ve watched the cold little birds shivering in the bushes, nothing to eat, fluffing their little feathers to fend off the cold which my coat, sweatshirt, gloves, and muffler can’t fully prevent.

Garry and colleagues – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

It makes me feel guilty and sad. We have so damaged their native habitat, this year I said “I have to help them. I can’t just watch them shiver and die from cold and starvation.” Being told to let “nature take her course” is a ridiculous statement after humans have done everything possible to make nature take OUR course, without regard for any other living creatures. whose lives we were dislocating or destroying.

Moving the cows – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Photo: Garry Armstrong

Now, I feed the birds and the squirrels and I am finding an enormous satisfaction in it. I watch them. I don’t always take pictures. Sometimes, I just watch them. I listen for them, too. Today I heard a loud “twee, twee, twee.” That means there is a Cardinal nearby. I didn’t see him, but I’m betting the other birds knew exactly where he was.

Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

Woman at work – Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

The little birds really are surprisingly protective of the feeders … something I didn’t anticipate.

Photo: Marilyn Armstrong

I suppose they feel threatened by the larger birds, though they shouldn’t. They eat different parts of the foods, too. They need to share it so everyone is healthy. It will serve them well.

Categories: Anecdote

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10 replies

  1. I love candid photos. I loved candid camera. It was so much fun. It wouldn’t fly today, people are too self involved and serious and take shit personally. However, having said that, I hate the “prank” crap because it goes too far and there don’t seem to be boundaries regarding pranks and people pull dangerous stunts on others. With candid camera, it was lighthearted fun.


  2. Terrific candid’s Marilyn. My favorite is the guy in the boat. I guess I’m missing the water 😀


    • That’s Tom and his “little” boat. When he doesn’t want to take the whole boat out, he uses the inflatable which is actually more fun since you are closer to the water.


  3. Moving the cows reminds me of when I was a really young girl and my grandfather would take me with him when he walked the cattle to pasture in the morning and back again at night.
    You get so much pleasure from your bird feeder and just think of the good you are doing.


  4. Seemed to need everyone to get that object into the car
