HOSTA – Marilyn Armstrong

Hosta – July 15, 2019

I think it’s possible that you can’t kill a Hosta unless you dig it up and throw it in a trash can. Otherwise, they seem to be impermeable to weather, drought, flood and getting eaten by miscellaneous wild creatures.

We had a few Hosta when we moved into this house. I moved them to a sunnier location and they have thrived ever since.

There are also some large violet leaves mixed in. Violets — at least the wild ones — are also unkillable.

Yellow and green

Dark green, yellow edges

All dark green


Hostas are edible when young and sheltering when older. … In fact, the Japanese have been eating hostas safely for centuries. Known as urui, they’re commonly boiled, fried in tempura or eaten raw. With a flavor reminiscent of lettuce and asparagus, they can easily be substituted in salads.

I’m sure they are best when they are fresh and not when they’ve had a whole summer to turn to leather.

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Marilyn Armstrong

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15 replies

  1. Edible! Who knew? 🙂 Now I do! Will have to add a few leaves to my next salad. 🙂 xo


  2. Beautiful photos. 😀


  3. Love those hostas, they a great fill in plant.


  4. These hostas are really wonderful 🙂


    • I gave them a corner of their own so they don’t take over the garden. They have a really solid root system. Give them and inch and they want the whole area. I also planted a bunch deep in the woods where they are still growing. I can’t see them anymore because other things have grown in front of them, but these are the ONLY plants I know of that will grow in full sun and full shade.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Your hostas are very similar to mine. This year, for the first time after 18 years, I have two baby hostas growing, from their seeds. They always bear large seed pods in Autumn and I just leave them to disperse, but never noticed that they germinated, but now it has happened


  6. This is great fun, because I can’t, for the life of me, keep any hosta alive. The snails and other beasts eat them up right to the sole remains of the risps. I call them lace plants for this reason!


  7. I love hostas… until the slugs get them. But they always come back 😉
