BLUE LIKE THE JAYS – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Blue

And after the Red-Bellied Woodpecker flew off to do other things, the Blue Jays came back and I took some more pictures! These are beautiful birds. Rather sinister and they destroy the nests of other birds and eat their eggs.  But as blue as a bird gets, Blue Jays are. Blue, I mean.

And a few more blues:


Garry in blue

Blue benches

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Marilyn Armstrong

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23 replies

  1. very nice


  2. I LOVED the one of it flying up from the feeder! How beautiful!!


    • It’s a rare look at the full plumage of the bird. It’s hard to get the view because you need to be right above or behind them. They have such interesting designs in the feathers, too.


  3. Nice to see the return of the blue theme. I love that last picture of one on the branch. They’re very beautiful birds.


  4. Those blue jays are so cute, Marilyn


  5. Your blues surely didnt make me blue 🙂loved them!


  6. You’re right — they are beautiful.
    And has someone been playing “pin the tail on the Gary?”


  7. All so lovely. We don’t have blue jays here, we do have stellars jays which are similar but so damn noisy, they never shut up and they squak it isn’t a pretty bird song to be honest!


  8. The birdie in the first photo you shared (of the blue jay montage), looks so cheeky! They might be mean birds, but their plumage is magnificent! Thanks for sharing!!


  9. I’ve always liked bluejays. 😀 I wouldn’t want to sit on that bench. 😀 😀 Excellent photos.


    • Blue Jays are beautiful and rather impressive, but they are nest raiders. They will try to take on most birds — except (obviously) hawks — and woodpeckers! Garry was looking at them this morning and commenting what an impressive bird it is. Our are really BIG.


    • They rule the feeders — until the woodpeckers show up and then they back off. Quickly. It’s amusing since they are rather bigger than the woodpeckers — but they don’t have that impressive weaponized beak!

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Lovely colour….


    • They are all the blues in one big bird. They are almost as bad-tempered as the woodpeckers — but they lack the double-layered skull and that lethal lance. Someone complained that woodpeckers were ruining his house and all I could say is that is woodpeckers are pecking your house — you have termites!

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