So many to choose from! From the aggravating Brown-headed Cowbird, to the Red-bellied Woodpecker, Goldfinches, Purple Finches, and Bluebirds, color is often the single thing that defines a bird to those of us who watch them.


Our feeders have been down for a week. At least the cowbirds have stopped cruising by. The problem is, there are no birds there anymore and I miss them. That being said, I’m going to keep them down for a while longer.

Great Blue Heron

I want to be sure that the Cowbirds, Red and Gray Squirrels, Flying Squirrels, raccoons, and chipmunks have all found other food sources before I reopen the buffet.

Black-Backed Gull

I miss them.

Categories: #Birds, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, bluebirds, Chickadee, Goldfinch, Wildlife, Woodpeckers

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15 replies

  1. Thank you for adding the name to the birds, wonderful! Some I’ve never seen before. All are so pretty.


  2. what a beautiful, stunning Who’s Who of the bird world – an incredible gift of nature and you for us to enjoy from afar!


  3. You know all these bird types so well, Marilyn. I have a guidebook of birds and still have photos that I cannot identify. I so enjoy all your bird photos.


    • I know these birds well, but there are birds I’m unsure about, no matter HOW carefully I check — especially the House Finch vs. Purple Finch difference. It doesn’t really matter very much since both birds are essentially the same size the shape and closely related, but it aggravates me that I can’t always tell the difference. And warblers are very hard to tell apart. Shades of coloring, a bar on the wing? I don’t really try very hard with them. They are the “hard to tell apart” warblers and they don’t seem to hang around the feeders much anyway. Most of the other birds though, are pretty easy to tell apart. Very different coloring, size, etc. You’d never mistake a Hairy Woodpecker for a Red-bellied Woodpecker but you might not be able to tell the difference between the Downy and Hairy woodpeckers.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. so many wonderful birds! ❤ lovely photos marilyn!


  5. You have such beautiful images, that you can take out and look at when the ‘loss’ gets too great though. Such magnificence and variety! I’d miss them singing or talking to each other, chattering and the whole happy buzz of activity that surrounds birds who feel safe (or not I suppose). Looking forward to the return of the feeders right along with you Marilyn!


    • If I get up early enough, I can hear them all singing. They are out there, just not on my deck. But it’s summer and there’s plenty for them to eat. We need a break too. It’s amazing how much birdseed costs.


  6. Amazing images! Thank you for sharing, Marilyn! I hope you will have a beautiful week! Best wishes, Michael


  7. Wonderful gallery of birds this week. You put the nemesis right in the center at the top. Spotlight! LOL! I think you misnamed your Catbird, but he still fits the theme. Gray Catbirds are some of my favorite birds because I love their mohawk. I know you are missing your birds. I’m missing mine too, but this is typical for us. We don’t put food in the feeders during the summer months. 🙂



  1. Bird Weekly Round-Up – Week #47 – Our Eyes Open