CBWC: Matching Things

Are two flowers of the same plant “matching”? Are a father and son a pair? These are the thoughts I pondered.

Two Orchid buds
Two Easter lilies
Photo: Garry Armstrong – Two couples by the Canal
Father and son – Photo: Garry Armstrong
They were orange
Black & White

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge

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10 replies

  1. The flowers in black & white are amazing, Marian. It really works.


    • Thank you so much. I have trouble with flowers in black and white. This is the first time I have liked the way they came out, probably because two out of three of them were white to begin with — and I was able to get some nice sharp lines around the petals on the Chrysanthemum. I like black & white, but to me, flowers ARE color. But it was fun trying to get these to look the way I wanted them to look.

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  2. You nailed the starlings. I adore that photo. I also like Garry’s couple photo too. 😀 😀


    • Thank you so much. I was looking through pictures for two orchids. I haven’t yet found them but I’m sure they are hidden in one of the folders. When I opened a folder for April 2020, I realized I hadn’t even renamed the photographs.

      I have a feeling if I go through the rest of 2020, I’m going many more unopened folders. If I don’t take ANY photos for a year, I’ll still have dozens of folders of new pictures. I know I should get organized, but I get depressed even thinking about it. Maybe if I do it one challenge at a time?

      Thank you so much for keeping these challenges alive, especially when I know you don’t feel well. I didn’t have challenges to manage, but when I was sick, I worked because it was something to do and otherwise, I’d just sit there like a big lump. Working with photographs at least helps keep your brain working — not such a small thing, either. Hang on in there. It has been 5-1/2 years since the heart surgery and I’m JUST beginning to feel better. Too bad I’m not feeling younger too!


  3. These are super for this theme! My favourites are the first two – the patterns on the starlings show up so distinctly (too many people dismiss them as dull birds, wrongly I feel) and the white flowers just glow 😀


    • Thank you!

      From a distance, starlings look like any black bird. The first time I notice how beautiful they was when I saw them on the feeders in sunlight. They look like starry skies at night. They GLOW. Beautiful! You need to see them up close or you won’t realize how lovely they are.


  4. Meant to say the second one, but the first is great as well.


  5. Wonderful photos all. My favorite is the first one. Wonderful.


    • Thank you!!

      The Starlings are really pretty birds. I know farmers hate them because they destroy crops — especially corn — but they are really lovely to look at — in color AND black and white. Actually, the Grackles and Crows are not popular with farmers either. The problem is, the birds were here first. Sometimes, it’s hard to remember that WE are the intruders.

      The second one was a lot more difficult to process only because white is a hard color on which to get texture. If you aren’t careful, they just look blank. I think I put more time into that ONE picture than all the others combined. Did it once, didn’t like. Did it again. STILL didn’t like it. Third time, I said: “Okay. This one can fly.” I wish I weren’t so picky icky with photograph. I’m not nearly that picky with writing, but I think writing is a lot easier for me than graphics. Even with all the typos, writing is like breathing — it just happens. I work a harder on photographs.

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