FOTD – January 2 – The Green Orchid – New Macros

I got to talking about my macro lenses and along came an urge to take some pictures rather than talking about taking pictures. I also took some pictures of my anthurium. It is putting out a new flower, but I want to wait a few days and get some pictures of the bud unrolling.

Categories: #Flowers, #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day, Macro, orchids

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8 replies

  1. All lovely. 😊


  2. I especially love the 4th large shot next to the first three smaller stacked ones, Marilyn.


    • The one on the bottom? It’s funny because all of these were taken in a few minutes in the same (more or less) light, but how they came out depended on where I was standing with the camera. That orchid changes color with the light. The center doesn’t change color, but the flowers change from almost yellow, to olive or mossy green. All the orchids change colors with the light. It isn’t processing, either. Most of these were cropped and did some noise reduction, but that’s pretty much it. And I only trimmed them so they would not use up so much space online or on my hard drive.

      I’ve got two more orchids with new buds. I’m not even sure what colors they will be until the buds get bigger.
