CWWC:  Roads and Other Paths

I went out to mail some batteries back to the company who sent them — they didn’t work — and I took the camera with me. Lo and behold, this is the perfect place for all those roady pictures. Marilyn said they’d come in handy, just wait and see.

So I waited … and today is a roady kind of day.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Small wood bridge over the Mumford River

In theory, spring is coming. The weather is warmer, though it wasn’t all that cold before. We might even see flowers if we are lucky. The snow is long gone. What’s left are ants, ticks, broken trees and mud. The birds are nesting, so they just pop in, grab a seed, and fly home to feed the babies. Until the middle of April, this is what we laughingly call spring around here.

Photo: Garry Armstrong – Downtown Uxbridge


Is this a road? Photo: Garry Armstrong


When Main Street ends – Photo: Garry Armstrong

Our one and only road through town is under construction. I’m not sure if this counts as “again” or “still.” They fix it and before the asphalt is dry, they tear it up and do it over. Every since they “privatized” roadwork in this state, whoever is doing a particular job has no idea who else is doing what to the same road. There no coordination so effectively, the roads are permanently under construction.

For that matter, so are the sidewalks — in town, that is. In our neighborhood, we have no sidewalks to fix. They’ve done a lot of wok on our road because of flooding, but they haven’t improved it. It’s still banked the wrong way and full of blind turns. All they’ve done is put in gutters that are supposed to prevent flooding. 

Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Garry Armstrong, Roads

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26 replies

  1. Sounds like the men in our city council, one doesn’t know what the others doing, and they rarely do a good job on fixing roads!

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t think the people on our city council actually talk to each other. Watching them pave and destroy and repave the ONE road through town is proof enough. The amount of money we waste by NOT having any centralized schedule or holding projects to a schedule is phenomenal.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Marilyn, so many of our local pols are also area business folks. Believe they divvy the spoils with the families who are in the political arena.


  2. Garry, these are all wonderful photos for this week :D 😀

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    • Cee, thank you. We were back out, today. Marilyn’s first outing since she came home from that scary heart valve surgery. She seemed to be okay and I think it was good for her to stretch her legs, get some fresh air and take pics on relatively decent day. The first decent day in maybe a week. Good timing because they are forecasting a return of rain tomorrow. Water levels very high around our dam and rivers.

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      • Good on your for getting her outside. glad she is doing better. We’ve had about 10″ over our usual rain for this time of year. It has been very wet too. :D

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  3. ‘again’ and ‘still’–sounds so very familiar.

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  4. some are slow learners

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    • This supposes they actually learn or WANT to learn. As far as I can tell, they happily blunder along, spending huge amounts of money to achieve nothing. They managed to fix the sidewalks on the north side of town (they have yet to so much as repair anything on the south side)(there’s no reason for that except maybe that Town Hall is on the north side) so well that everyone floods with each rain — and there has been SO much rain. They blocked all the drains. Now rain water backs up. They had to redo it twice so far, but it still floods, something it had not done before they “fixed” it. Oh and they were busily installing drains under the road and damaged the water pipes so the water turned putrid. It took them MONTHS to fix that blunder.

      With all the worries that come with having a well, at least I don’t have to depend on the awful water they have in town. It’s not only awful, but they make you PAY for that water!

      Liked by 1 person

    • Beth, they need remedial school.

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  5. That’s not the Uxbridge I know 😂 Nice set of shots – I really love the Downtown one – so much of interest going on😎👍

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    • You must not live “in town.” Uxbridge is huge, though much of it is fortunately still woodland. In 24 years, I can’t remember when they weren’t “fixing” the roads. I wish they would also fix the sidewalks — properly. I have trouble walking and the sidewalks are badly broken south of Rt 16. I still don’t understand why they don’t repair all the sidewalks at the same time. Not like the town is too big.

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      • My Uxbridge is a suburb of Northwest London which, ironically, I only visited a few weeks ago. Even more ironic is the complaints about potholes, bad pavements and a lack of coordination between agencies that work on the roads – It’s just the same in the UK 😂

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      • A retro showing: Hope, Crosby and Lamour in “The Road To Uxbridge”. Same roads here as when they filmed the old “Road” flicks 80 plus years ago.

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    • You live in the OTHER Uxbridge, our “twin” town in England. Your Uxbridge is huge and modern. Ours is maybe 11,000 people in total and only one quarter of them actually live in the village. We live in the outer wooded area. I have been to that Uxbridge, but it was a long time ago — in 1979. I imagine it has grown some since then.

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      • I actually live in Finchley, Marilyn – another part of north London. Uxbridge is indeed a very large and modern suburb although there are also some old streets – there’s a photo of Windsor Street in my response to last week’s CWWC. It might bring some memories of your visit.


  6. I am waiting for autumn but it’s supposed to be 27 c on Sunday. That’s hot for Tasmania in March.

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