FOTD – April 16 – A bit of flower art

I finished the posts for tomorrow early enough to take time to play with some photos I took last week. The orchids and post-Christmas cactus are still blooming and look only slightly different than they looked last week. I figured I might as well use more of the pictures I already took. Maybe Wednesday I’ll take new pictures. Tomorrow I’ll be at the hospital and hopefully, it won’t require any more visits.

These pictures were manipulated. It was fun with photos and I hope you like them. I had a bit of time to try out various combinations and was surprised that I got pictures I really like. The red cactus flower is completely natural. It needed nothing but a reduction in size.

Categories: #FOTD, #gallery, #Photography, Anecdote, Cee's Photo Challenge, Flower of the day

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11 replies

  1. The photos are beautiful. I hope the hospital visit goes well.


    • It went VERY well. Everything is in good order, or at least everything that can be measured in a blood test. I was right when I said I thought my rheumatoid arthritis is acting up — you can see it in the bloodwork. But that’s not unusual and it’s spring, so the allergies that come with all the pollen tend to wake up other things — and I’m not taking the medication that made me feel much better before the last heart surgery.

      It was a good visit and I actually learned how to read at least some of the information in those tests. They always send me the numbers without an explanation of what those numbers mean. Now, while I don’t understand all of them, I understand a lot more.


      • That’s great. I noticed you have een posting ore so thought you must be feeling better. Juggling meds is always tricky. Often it seems you lose one that helps because it clashes with something else.


        • The Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), I was taking were always a bit dangerous for me. It was a life choice to take them. They really made it possible for me to feel kind of normal — but it was also chomping at my kidneys. Maybe after they take away some of the meds I’m taking now — in about another month.

          I am feeling better. A LOT better. I must have been sick for a lot longer than I realized and since no one was looking at my heart, as long as my BP was more or less normal, no one was paying attention — including my cardiologist. I am hoping I’ll be getting better care from here on in. I’m counting on it 🌄

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Good luck for your hospital appointments. The flowers are gorgeous.


    • The visit went very well. Exceptionally well and I learned how to read at least some of the results. FINALLY. They send me numbers, but never tell me what the numbers mean. Now I know a bit more and which readings mean what. Useful information.

      So, aside from a flare up of Rheumatoid — nothing unusual there — everything looks good, at least everything you can get via a blood test. AND she found the vein in ONE try! I’m not full of holes. Yay!


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