Every year, when the leaves fall and the ground is crunchy, I get a rush of nostalgia. Autumn for me is the start of the year. It’s the time of squeaky new leather shoes, of brand new notebooks and pencil cases. Book bags. A new winter coat and new wool skirts because I grew out of last year’s clothing.


In the spirit of harvest, I thought I’d give you a dozen or so favorite posts from the last year. They aren’t necessarily the most popular posts because popular taste and my taste sometimes differs.

So, in no particular order, here are some of my favorite posts. Kind of an author’s potpourri.

THE NANNY TRIAL – A TRUE STORY OF AMERICAN JUSTICE   Did the young British nanny kill that infant? Even all these years later, no one is sure what really happened.

TERTIARY SOURCES. LIKE ME. – How alarming is it to realize Wikipedia is referencing me? It gives one pause for thought.

HANGING OUT – GREENWICH VILLAGE IN THE 1960s – The way it was. Hanging out. Before cell phones. Before computers. Before cable. How did we survive? We had to (gasp) talk … or (yikes) … read!

YOU MADE THAT YOURSELF? – A humorous look back on why I do not make my own clothing. And why I shouldn’t even try.

DON’T DRINK THE KOOL AID: THE JONESTOWN MASSACRE – The ultimate statement of what happens when the lunatics are running the asylum. Too horrible to think about, too important to forget. This is one of the most-viewed of my nearly 3,000 posts.

I JUST WANT TO FEEL BETTER: A MANIFESTO – Feeling lousy is not a medical condition and wanting to feel better isn’t the goal of medicine. What’s wrong with this picture?

OY VAY! GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER? – When a relative from the Old Country hops through a wormhole and lands in your living room just in time for dinner.

I sort of feel like Garry trying to pick his ten favorite movies. I have nearly 3,000 posts in archives. These are but a sampling of favorites from the past 12 months. There are many more, equally — maybe more — deserving of mention.

So I promise to do another “best of” post. Probably several. According the sages of WordPress, this is a good way to get you guys to go rummaging through the archives. Feel free to rummage. There’s a lot of stuff there.

Categories: #Blogging, #Writing

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11 replies

  1. A pot pourri is perfect for fall. And a great way to catch up with your productive blog. I must say that I’ve been very busy with my writing and have been slow to read my favorite blogs.


    • I figured I should do something with the archives. I’ve got SO much stuff in there … a lot of which I don’t remember until I see it in a search and then I realize “Oh, right, I wrote about that.” So I give some of the posts I barely remember an airing. I figure if I don’t remember them, probably no one else does either 😀


  2. I really liked your Jonestown post. This paragraph was really well written:

    “Jones called his adopted kids the “Rainbow Family.” He made a name for himself desegregating institutions in Indiana. Before you get all dewy-eyed about this, note this story ultimately climaxes in the murder of all the Jones children by their parents.”

    I don’t know if he was a multi-faceted man who became evil if he was just a phony from the start. I kind of suspect it was the latter.


    • I think he was insane. Loony tunes, toys in the attic, full frontal wacko. Also power mad and a sociopath. He may have had some “positive” qualities in there too, but mostly, he a lot in common with the Reichstag’s more eminent personnel. In a different world, he could have done even MORE damage. Very scary dude. Very scary. I remember when this hit the press … you can’t make this stuff up.


  3. Is it too late to play Walter Houston’s “September Song”? Whatever, I’m humming it “upstairs”.


  4. Autumn feels like the start of the year for me too, perhaps because of my birthday, or the way the new school years began. I tend to mark my years from autumn to autumn. Nice post.

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