Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: Week 35

Today’s pictures come from the archives. I decided to go a’hunting, see what oddballs have been left in my files, waiting for their day. I can guarantee a complete lack of thematic coherence … and little else. I can’t even guarantee your amusement or enjoyment because I have no idea what I’m going to find lurking in those dark forgotten places. Woo hoo!

Categories: #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Challenges

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17 replies

  1. Great selection. 😀


  2. I’d say you found a treasure trove of oddballs, Marilyn.



  3. Such a fun gallery Marilyn. A lot of them caught my eye, but the two that grabbed me was the bench with the board missing and the parking lot shot between the cars. Awesome. 🙂


  4. What a great collection-love the cookie jar 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Marvellous collection of Oddballs! If I had to choose I would say my favourites are the two of the old fire engine truck (I’m assuming the gauges picture is part of a fire engine?).


    • Yes, the two pictures are old Number 2, honorably retired of the Uxbridge Fire Department, living out his final years in the empty lot across from the Post Office. I visit him regularly so he doesn’t get too lonely.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. There are so many good shots in this collection it’s hard to pick a favorite. If someone twisted my arm to do so it would be the shot of your doggie looking through the fence.
