AUTUMN on Cape Cod garry

It’s gotten to naked tree time. The piece of autumn between the gorgeous foliage and winter. It’s still warm enough to go coatless most days and although there are cold snaps, even a hint of snow, it’s not really winter. Not seriously. Yet.

autumn maple foliage

And I have a lot of pictures of autumn. It is so beautiful, I try to take a lot of pictures during those brief but glorious few weeks.

fall foliage riverbend

Winter will come all too soon. Until it does, it’s autumn on Serendipity!


Categories: #BlackstoneRiver, #Photography, Autumn, Nature

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15 replies

  1. Absolutely beautiful…Your photos always remind me of home…thanks.


    • Thank you. And home is … ?


      • Well, I was born and spent most of my life in Mass.! I am in Georgia now, but still love New England.


        • I love New England too … until I’m hip deep in ice and snow and my boots are leaking 🙂 You should be having autumn starting right about now … if you get a true autumn that far south. I know there’s a reasonably pretty autumn in North Carolina … don’t know about any further south than that. When I lived in a very different climate, I missed Autumn the most.


          • Yes, I miss it sometimes. We don’t get a real Autumn here. We are supposed to have record high today, 85, but our normal fall temps are setting in this weekend.


  2. “If Winter Comes” (MGM-1949). Walter Pidgeon, Deborah Kerr, Janet Leigh, Angela Lansbury.


  3. Wow! It is beautiful… Incredible colours of dying out leaves… I am able to feel the air, the coldness and crispness of your morning, although I live in other climate and we don’t see pictures like that. And a lot of pumpkins… Thank you for your photos, they are beautiful. Looking forward to hearing from you soon.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Stunning colours. 😍👍


  5. I expect we’ve got pretty trees here as well but I can’t see them through all the rain and fog 😦


    • We are lucky the rain held off until after the foliage. Many years, it washes the whole display away before I even have a chance to take a few pictures. This year, we had a long dry, warm, sunny late summer and fall. Nice.


  6. I love these photos of autumn, here in South India, we do not have any autumn as such:)
