
Autumn was late by about two weeks. Though late, it arrived and wasn’t bad, all things considered. As a result, the peak foliage was also two weeks late. That was just a couple of days ago, when normally our trees are half stripped of leaves.



Today, the “fall” part of Fall occurred. What normally takes a couple of weeks, took a few hours. We took Bonnie to the groomer at 10:30 in the morning and the trees were glorious.



It’s a half hour drive from our house to the groomer. A slow crawl down Route 16, through Milford. Which, like Uxbridge, is doing late season roadwork. They have police misdirecting traffic. It makes everything worse.


By one in the afternoon, when we went to pick Bonnie up, most of the trees went almost bare.


These are the pictures I took the day before yesterday. It was the last best day of this year’s Autumn foliage.


It’ll be another year before it comes round again. If only it could have lasted longer.


Categories: #Photography, Autumn, Blackstone Valley, Light and Lights, Nature, Seasons

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15 replies

  1. The first pic is simply stunning. I love the red, golden and green trees. Awesome but sadly its about to finish…so soon


  2. That first photo is real fall. Finally right?


  3. Wow that did happen fast. Was it a windy day or just a sort of mass suicide of all the leaves? I like that “police misdirecting traffic”.


  4. Our spring was a month late but has really made up for it. Nice colours


  5. Yes, it’s quite a let down when one day you see glorious golds, regal reds, and luscious yellows, then the next day it’s gloomy grays and burnt browns everywhere!


    • And so FAST. It was just a few hours and wham, it was over. Bye bye autumn. Today the temperature went back up to the mid 70s. Indian summer arrived. Very strange weather.


  6. Two trips to Milford and back. So near, so far and so maddening.


    • Slow drivers. Cops misdirecting traffic. Construction. More slow drivers. BAD drivers.


      • If elected, I will pledge to revoke the licenses of all bad and slow drivers… and all road construction will be done between midnight and five AM. And I will limit the number of road workers standing around watching one person actually labor to three per jobsite….

        Liked by 1 person

        • Where do I sign? YOU are the MAN. I’ll wear your tee shirt (oh, wait, I already do) … plant your signs on my property. Bumper stickers. I’ll vote early and often.

          I think there’s a union rule requiring 7 men for any site, but only one has to actually do anything. Sometimes, NO ONE does anything and that’s how we get to where we are now, with winter coming on and nothing finished. I thought it was just Massachusetts, but maybe it’s a national thing.


          • Nope, it’s everywhere… even on private projects. The other day, me and my Dad were passing a site where they were building a warehouse, and I swear at least 20 guys were just standing around on the foundation while one person actually seemed to be doing something laborious…
