I’ve been a little out of touch. A good old friend from Arizona is visiting for a couple of days. We haven’t seen each other in person for eight or nine years.


We’ve had a lot of laughter. A lot of catching up to do. And of course, I had to do the 10 cent tour.


Needed to do a bit of traipsing around the valley. A peak at the Blackstone River, visit a dam or two, see a bit of the canal.

Never enough time, too much to say.

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, dogs, Friendship, Personal

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12 replies

  1. Very sneaky Marilyn.., or should I say “stealthy” I didn’t realize you took those shots of me.., but then, in all fairness, I snuck a couple of you too. It was a really nice time up there in the country for a couple of days plus, I got a chance to spend some time with Garr.., always a treat. I miss dog noses and impromptu meals.

    Driving back down to NYC was a big reality slap, 4 or 5 traffic bogs that forced me to fight with the GPS unit that freaked out when I defied (maybe disobeyed ) it, taking my own short cuts to NJ. I WON! The sad thing is it finally gave in and agreed with my alternate choices. Where is John Conner when we need him? See you in Jan.


  2. Same here. Tarun and son no.1 have surprised me to come for Diwali festival. Its a big festival for us and the family is complete. Enjoy your time with your friend and Garry.


  3. Enjoy Your time. It is always fun catching up


  4. Great to spend a little time with Ben. He’s one of the few people I feel comfortable around. Look forward to part 2 — Visiting Ben in Arizona in January.


  5. So peaceful there.


  6. Friends can never move away from our hearts.


  7. I am always stunned by your commitment to blog even when you are on vacation or when you have company. Have fun, good company doesn’t come along every day~!
