When writing by hand do you prefer to use a pencil or pen?

A pen. Rolling ball tip, please. Medium, not fine or fat. Black ink.

Credit: CC0 Public Domain from pixabay

Credit: CC0 Public Domain from pixabay

While we are on the subject of pens: Please! If the pen is out of ink, don’t put it back in the jar. Throw it away.

Your coöperation is appreciated.

What’s your choice: jigsaw, word, maze or numeric puzzles?


Do you prefer long hair or short hair for yourself?

I prefer long hair, but my hair prefers being kind of medium.

72-MY WORLD_Me-too-6

My hair has won this argument.

List five some of your favorite blogs.

I am taking the fifth on this one. I like a lot of blogs and bloggers. Some of my favorite bloggers are also good friends and there are more than five. No matter who I named, I would inevitably omit someone out and feel terrible about it. So …



Categories: #Photography, Humor

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23 replies

  1. A good one!
    – I usually use a pen (not one of my stolen prizes) for writing.
    – Puzzles: Crossword. Preferably movie or sports trivia.
    – Hair: These days I’ll take anything.
    – Blogs: I’ll take the 5th. I enjoy almost all your blogger friends. Of course, you’re the best!!
    (Evil Squirrel is my secret hero).

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for sharing this week Marilyn. ;D


  3. I like a pen and I even use it to do the Sudoku every day. I follow a lot of other blogs too but yours is right up there as one of my favourites.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Love the last photo! And I enjoy writing by hand too, with a pen if possible but anything is good when I choose to write by hand. My hair is like yours. It prefers medium to long but used to like very long when I was a kid,


    • Thank you 🙂 That was my little love note to all the people — like you — who have so greatly improved my life via blogging. Blogging sometimes keeps me a lot busier than I want to be, but it also makes me happy.


  5. Unfortunately we don’t have a fifth amendment to the Constitution here in the UK (or, indeed, a Constitution) so I’ll just refuse to answer the last question I think!
    I’m a jigsaw man myself 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    • That’s one of our really GOOD amendments. No one should have to answer any question that’s going to get them bagged by the law! Of course, a fifth is also an amount of booze, so there’s enormous pun potential in taking the fifth.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. medium point ink pen, roller ball, gel and black. If an ink pen skips or gives me grief, I blame the pen, and out it goes.
    word puzzles. I do them in ink because I have trouble seeing pencil on newsprint.
    I suspect it’s habit now, since I had really poor vision most of my life, and pencil was harder for me to see.

    I am also a maven when it comes to logic problems, even though they are one of my least successful word puzzle events. I keep trying, anyway.

    Hair. oh god. I used to have a lot of hair, and preferred it long, since I could pull it out of the way. Now I have some hair, and it’s basically worthless. Too fine, too skimpy, and it will not hold a bobby pin, a curl, or a cut. I prefer it longer in the summer so I can at least tie it back. Most of the time I just hack it off and hope I got it straight in the back.

    They are all my favorite blogs, otherwise I’d not have a list of them on Blogger. =)

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m with you, all the way. My hair has gotten so wispy and thin. It looks better since my granddaughter took over its styling, but there’s no weight to it and like you, in summer I just want it out of my face. It’s a little too short for that right now, so I’m waiting, hoping another inch will let me tie it back and out of my eyes.

      Being asked to name my favorite five blogs is like being in 7th grade and asked to name your three best friends … knowing you’re going to get into serious trouble. Assuming, of course, back then you actually HAD three friends.

      Pencils. Too pale, too smudgy and they’re either so sharp they rip the paper or are too dull to write 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  7. But imagine the fierce competition there would be over who was your SIXTH favorite blogger! I’d be ready to take on all comers for that coveted title…

    Liked by 1 person

    • I really do have favorites and you know perfectly well you are one of them. Or maybe it’s just your critters I love so dearly. Hm. I’ll have to think about that.


  8. Marilyn, you could have mentioned me. But that’s OK. I always liked Garry better. 🙂

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