This is a crazy busy week. Dogs and doctors.

Two weeks ago, Garry pulled his shoulder (the one on which he had rotator cuff surgery seven years ago) lifting Bishop into the Jeep. He needed to see the ortho doc today.


I haven’t had the leisure to take many pictures or write posts. I’m surprised I’ve done as much as I have. It’s like dancing between the raindrops.

In answer to your unasked question, Garry is (apparently) okay. He hurts and it’ll take a few more weeks of healing for the pain to diminish. It’s probably a sprain, not a tear. Which doesn’t make it hurt less. As for me, I’m off to the arthritis specialist tomorrow. I’ve been avoiding this for a few years because the news on my spine is never good and the answer is always the same: there’s nothing to be done except control the pain. Bummer.

Garry’s going to be in New York next week. I’ll have plenty of time to write. Meanwhile, as our personal juggernaut drives relentlessly through a personal calendar that barely leaves me time to cook a meal, much less eat one, I’ll be thinking of you.

DNC democratic national convention logo_2016

Tonight, watching the DNC, I was proud to be a Democrat, the party that talks about inclusion and coming together. We ain’t perfect, but we are not demonizing minorities and spewing hate. We fight among ourselves, but in the end we are for America and for each other. And that makes me feel pretty good in a year when Orange Head is telling everyone we should be afraid of everyone, and especially each other.

I’m not afraid. I bet neither are you.

Today’s Daily Post theme is “unstoppable.” I’m hoping that’s exactly what we are. Unstoppable, brave, and honorable.

Categories: #Health, Humor, Personal, Politics, UPDATE!

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14 replies

  1. Hope Garry is feeling better soon!!


  2. Take care of that shoulder, Garry and Marilyn you take care of that back!


  3. I am the least politically savvy person I know. I live and work in a different arena but Ahh, the images last night at the DNC, the brilliant speech and presentation from our president, the symbolism of Obama and Clinton together on that stage, Stevie Wonder in the background….I am so proud today.

    And my favorite line of the night? When Trump’s name came up and there was a wave of booing…Our president said “Don’t boo. VOTE!”


    • Wasn’t that a great moment? I actually felt all kind of warm and fuzzy — just for being on the right side 🙂 I’m going to miss the Obamas. Hell, I still miss Bill!


  4. I am sure if I was in the States, I would be a democrat, but i am not in the States, so can only hope that the the right person wins. Hope Gary’s shoulder is on the mend. As Mr. Swiss and I walked from the car in the garage he had a sort of slow careful walk, becaue of his back problems, and I was dragging myself along with my stick for support – Darby and Joan is the english phrase for such a couple of golden oldies.


    • Garry, shoulder aside, is remarkably spry and in really good condition. He’s five years older than me and looks (and moves) as if he’s five years young. He’s still cute 🙂 I’m not so cute.

      I’m just glad I’m still alive. All things considered, it’s been a close thing for the past couple of decades. And for all the problems, I think I’m better than I was a few years ago. The back isn’t better and the arthritis isn’t better, but I don’t have cancer and my heart — with a little electronic help — beats nice and regular. Not too shabby!


  5. Ouch!! Hope his healing is as quick as possible. I also hope your news at the doctor’s is good. I have to go get a knee x-ray this week to see if I have an arthritis situation. Just got test results back for rheumatoid arthritis and they were negative.


    • Rheumatoid doesn’t always show up in blood tests. It depends what stage you are in and if you are “flaring” or not.

      Garry will heal, though not as fast as either of us would like. I’m no worse than I was … which for me is as good as news gets. No treatment options, but maybe they can do a little something for the pain. Arthritis — both types — are permanent, chronic and in some cases, worsening conditions. So for me, being told it isn’t worse is great news. I hope your knees turn out to be something you can fix!


  6. I thought the Dems put on a great show. President Obama was in top notch form. I also appreciated that they took off the gloves and went after Orange Head.
    As for my ailing right shoulder, it’s still bad but not wicked ahw-full. The r/x helps. My throwing shoulder (I am a southpaw) is okay. I can give the Red Sox an inning, maybe more. Looks like they really need me.
