Cee’s Odd Ball Photo Challenge: 2016 Week 40


Garry and I went out to shoot foliage and never made it out of the cemetery. I know. That sounds odd, but this is a special cemetery. Old. Pre-Revolutionary War, which is about as old as anything created by Europeans on this continent is likely to be. There are stones from 1701 and even earlier.


For reasons I do not understand, the trees in the cemetery are always very bright. The river is near, so that may be part of the reason … and it’s on high ground. Maybe that has something to do with it, too.


But, to be fair, we didn’t shoot 600 frames between the two of us because of the foliage. The stones, the carving. The stories and the ghosts you can almost feel.


There will be more about this cemetery because it’s important, but it’s a story for another day and Garry would like to write it. So, for today … just the pictures. Some of them.


Categories: #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, Composition

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14 replies

  1. Just look at the bark on the tree of your first photo. There’s so much detail. What a lovely old cemetery. I can’t help but think about that women “Mary Whipple” who passed so long ago. A lot of the writing on the tomb stones has faded. They are all stories that we will never know.


    • I’m sure that’s one of the oldest trees in the area. Certainly the oldest — and TALLEST — I’ve seen. I’m betting it was there when the cemetery was first created. I think it’s a white oak. You don’t see many of them anymore. Most of them were cut down to make masts for ships.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Old cemeteries are so fun, if you can use the word, to take photos of. 😀


    • If you aren’t superstitious, they are fascinating and often highly photogenic. There are a couple of equally old ones attached to churches in Boston. What’s unusual about this one is that it is NOT a church graveyard. It’s not affiliated. That was rare, back then.


  3. Cemeteries are alive with stories…I love to wander through them; beautiful shots, thank you! That tree is amazing.


  4. I was a cemetery tourist when we were younger and more active. Every holiday in another country was accompanied by a visit to the local cemetery, and even visits to other towns in Switzerland. I love those old gravestones, their design, and the engravings. And also it makes a lot of different, I find, according to the current lighting effects.


    • I bet you’ve got some really OLD cemeteries. This is about as old as you find in the Americas, at least for Europeans. There are a few older gravesites … down near Jamestown in Virgina and of course, Native American burial grounds that predate Columbus by centuries. But this is a pretty good one. I had almost forgotten how interesting these places can be. Unless you’re superstitious and afraid the dead will reach up and grab you, all those old stones and inscriptions are fascinating. Many of the families still live in the town. Our street — Aldrich Street — was initially Aldrich Village — named for the Aldrich family — also buried here.

      And it’s on high ground. Your ghost can enjoy a lovely view of the Mumford river and its dam, yet not have to worry about getting wet when the river rises.


  5. Looking forward to the sequel.
