Downtown on the Commons

Downtown on the Commons


It has been snowing almost continuously since the beginning of the month. We’ve had a day here and there without snow or sleet, but mostly, it has been precipitating. And I’ve been shoveling, then shoveling some more. The last two days we have spent awaiting a plow. There’s no point in plowing while it’s still snowing … and competition for plowing services gets intense.

Late afternoon with the sun low in the sky

Late afternoon with the sun low in the sky


The town hasn’t taken down the Christmas decorations yet, so red bells are still in the picture

Finally, in the middle of the afternoon, the plow arrived. And did a pretty good job. I still had to go out and clear off the car. Then I dug out the parking area because there will be sleet tomorrow and the next day and before the weekend, it will be snowing again. If you don’t clear the space, you wind up with ice that doesn’t melt until the flowers are blooming.

The library from the Commons

The library from the Commons

More snow on the Commons

More snow on the Commons

I took the opportunity to  go into town. With the Olympus OM-D EM-5 and a nice 12-50 mm lens. Our little town looked like pictures from the past. If only we could get the pretty part of the snow without the rest of the mess.


That's me, doing my job, clearing the snow from our parking area. Obviously Marilyn's picture. You knew that, right?

That’s me, doing my job, clearing the snow from our parking area. Obviously Marilyn’s picture. You knew that, right?

Categories: #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Garry Armstrong, New England, snow, Weather, Winter

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20 replies

  1. I say the city should keep the Christmas decorations up all year round. Think of the special atmosphere they’ll give Fourth of July celebrations in the summer….

    Liked by 1 person

    • They usually have them down the day after New Year’s. This year, no one seems to feel like removing them. I have not idea why not.

      Sure, they can leave them up. It’s not like there’s all that much going on around here. Kind of like “nothing at all” would be accurate!


    • “Silent Night” on the 4th of July??


  2. That’s impressive! Makes for gorgeous photos but definitely a challenge to get out.Take care up there!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yeah, but you have to admit that all that white fluffy stuff is beautiful when it’s new.., then it starts t get dirty and turn a wonderful shade of “grey”, then “brownish,” then an ugly “black” with all manner of foreign matter stuck in frozen animation in it. OK, so Yuck! then.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Surely there’s a plow that you can attach to the front of that Jeep? It does look pretty but what a head ache.


  5. You did a good job of capturing the pretty before the mess!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The snow looks lovely and smooth and crisp where no-one has walked on it yet.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Amazing. Looks like a typical winter in the NE. But in New Brunswick they just got whacked with another ice storm. I tell ya, I wouldn’t put up with that for long. Time to move to someplace that has sensible winters. Arizona? Hawaii? Must be some place?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am just happy to be a retired fart and not outdoors all day, holding a mic in my frozen hands doing live shots with snot frozen to my “joker” face.
