Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: View from the Back, Bottom or Underneath

My back door

Boston statehouse — from the back

Behind the red truck

Below the flag

A street tunnel


Categories: #Photography, Architecture, Cee's Photo Challenge, Roads

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12 replies

  1. Is that back door on Garry’s ‘To Do’ list?? 🙂

    You have a lot more interesting places around you to photograph than i do – or maybe it is the talent of the photographer?



    • I do, but the problem is that we have, over the past 17 years, really photographed the hell out of them. We are now looking for new places that don’t look just like the old ones. The valley is pretty big, but we’re a river valley and everything looks kind of the same. Big rivers, hills, trees, little towns, etc. And every once in a while, I just KNOW I need to got to Boston because I need to shoot a city. At least twice a year, in spring and fall … and maybe once in the winter. It’s just a thing, you know?

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks so much for playing this week. Loved your photos Marilyn. 😀


  3. Last year was the caterpillar year, so a lot of the grunge were the crawlies. Ick. To think i have to go through that again. Disgusting.


  4. Brava, Marilyn, they’re good ones.


  5. You have a very unique and pretty back. door. I did a couple of those looking straight up photos, but my head did not like it very much. Your flag photo looks very impressive.
