It didn’t rain today. It wasn’t sunny, except for a couple of minutes. Here and there, a few moments of sunny. But given that they are predicting even more rain this weekend, I went and took some pictures. Cloudy today, but who knows? Cloud burst tomorrow?

I didn’t know the cardinal was there when I shot the picture and by the time I could take the next one, he was gone. He is a local resident. I’m sure he lives in nearby tree.

These little blue flowers grow all over the garden. I don’t think I planted them, so I’m guessing they are a wildflower. Anyone know what they are?

Violets and hosta

Macro violet

Solomon’s Seal

White Rhododendron

Pink Rhododendrons

Yellow tulip


Little purple flowers that grow everywhere — and I don’t know what they are, either.

There will be more flowers coming soon. May is the month of flowers in this region. In a week, maybe two, the day lilies and spider-wort will be blooming and soon, the roses.

If we are very lucky, we won’t also be crawling with caterpillars.

Flower of the Day – May 4, 2017 – Tulip

Categories: #Flowers, #Photography, Blackstone Valley, Gardens, Home

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22 replies

  1. Your gardens look lovely, and I really like the header shot. 🙂


  2. Because of late cold and snow, the tulips did not do well. They were already well along when they got buried. Hostas never die, they just keep spreading out. We have cardinals out back most of the year. I scared off a red one yesterday before I could get a picture. I am not sure I will ever get a good picture with my pocket camera or phone.


    • I get shots in the winter when they don’t move much. It is MUCH harder in the summer. Some people are really good at it, but I’m not. I get lots of pictures of the branch where the bird used to be.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. You have a beautiful garden, we also enjoy gardening, and feed the birds, we have several bird feeders, and types of seed, so our yard is full of variety of birds, hummingbirds and we also have wild turkeys, they visit 2-3 times daily to drink water, and eat the seeds that fall from feeders overhead. I enjoy sitting on the deck watching the birds, and now the turkeys don’t even concern themselves with us, there are 2 males, beautiful colony of 24 females last time I counted. Every morning they come down hill to our yard, and then return about 4:30 each evening, before going into the woods behind our property. Life is good.


    • We also have a lot of turkeys around here. They are feisty birds and have occasionally decided to attack my car. They don’t seem to get the whole “big iron vehicle” thing. Most of them hang out at the farm (around the corner) where the farmer feeds them. They are almost domestic … and very well fed. It’s pouring today, but i was thinking of putting up bird feeders this year instead of fuchsia since we are expecting a massive invasion of Gypsy moths. But maybe all this rain will wash them away. I can dream.


  4. Do let me know if you find out what that little blue flower is. Do you remember seeing how big the Rhododendrons got when you were in Ireland?


  5. Lovely flower pictures. Great for viewing on this gray and dismal Cinco De Mayo.


  6. Oh Marilyn what gorgeous flowers. I like the little blue ones. 😀


    • The little blue ones are a favorite of everyone 🙂 Now, if only I had a clue as to what they are. Pat says they have them in Switzerland growing all over, so maybe they are an import that went wild? But they are lovely.


  7. Inspiring beauty in this post!


  8. Beautiful shots Marilyn! 🙂

    Those blue and lilac ones look almost identical to my flower of the day May 2 – except mine all have five petals. I did not know the name either but a kind blogger answered my question with a link that lead me to: Barleria Obtusa! (Bush Violets from S. Africa)

    If the ones in the bottom photo are the same they might not be Barleria because my leaves are definitely nothing like those in shape.



    • They are definitely two different plants. Both seem to be some kind of ground cover. I thought I might have planted the blue one years ago and forgotten it, but the purple one was here when we moved in.


  9. With the tulips and daffodils now gone for the year, the only flowers I have left are the dandelions…. and the 10 inches of rain we got seems to have drowned them since they are no longer poking up from my freshly cut grass like they usually do. I may need to give sunflowers another chance…. I love them, and I’ve only ever gotten one to grow…


    • We’ve got a predicted five or six inches coming later today and I’m not exactly thrilled about it. I’m hoping our sump and pump are up to the task. We’ve got roses and day lilies and Columbine. By July, the flowers start to thin out, though the roses keep popping up for the rest of the year. They are nothing if not durable. The rain is bad.


  10. Very beautiful photos. I loved especially Rhododendrons. We had them in many colors in our small garden.


    • I was going to add one more, but there really isn’t enough room in the garden. We took out two dead rose bushes and the day lilies have totally taken over the area. It’s not a big garden. I may put a couple in the back yard next year if we survive this year’s caterpillar invasion.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. The first flowers are always the best. We also have those little blue flowers growing wild everywhere, but I don’t know the name.


    • They are some kind of wildflower — or maybe they are cultivated, but have gone wild, like the day lilies which were planted here about a hundred years ago and have taken over all of New England. If YOU have them growing, then I am betting they are an import that went wild. I just wish I knew. It’s easy to find a bird, but much harder to find a plant!

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