MORE TINTED FLOWERS – Marilyn Armstrong

I’m in love with my tinted bouquet. It’s so bright and cheerful. Since it has been raining or gray and about to rain pretty much all the time for a while, a bright bouquet is a ray of flowery hope in the middle of the room.

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9 replies

  1. oh NO….. please! I wouldn’t have had you for one of those people who buy such artifical stuff. But since you have them, do enjoy them…. 😉


    • These are natural flowers. Just the color has been altered. It’s otherwise a perfectly normal daisy. I have a LOT of natural around here. Need any pink-eyed weed? How about ragweed? Strangleweed?

      Liked by 1 person

      • Ha ha – I know they are real but the tint… ! What’s wrong with just having them in their natural (faded) colour?
        I don’t want to critisize you dear friend; in Switzerland you can buy tinted ‘straw flowers’ galore – I just prefer a bunch of green/grey/brown NATURAL twigs or branches….


        • Well, that’s like asking why we print patterns on cotton or wool. We like the colors. They are pretty. These are not growing in my garden. They are a decorative bouquet. The daisies in my garden — the ones that WERE in my garden — were natural, but these are intended to brighten up a part of your house. I’m pretty sure no one grows these colors in a garden. I’m not even sure you could.


  2. They would brighten up a room.


  3. they are lovely. So vivid!
