RDP Tuesday: Broadcast

More than 40-years in professional broadcasting and Garry still can’t post for a still portrait. He is so used to being shot on videotape or film, he feels he has to move and while that may look good on television, it doesn’t look great on a still camera.

He admits it, too. Point a moving picture machine at him and he lights up like a 100-watt bulb.

But a still camera? Nervous. Tense. Eyes darting side to side. A portrait? It’s like pulling teeth. Yesterday, to get one good show I had to move him physically into position and tell him to put his lips together and smile. Also, keep his eyes open and stop moving.

Isn’t that funny? The man who has stood before cameras for his entire career twitches in front of a still camera.

As for me? I just hate getting photographed. That’s why I keep the camera in MY hands!

Categories: #Photography, Daily Prompt, Portrait, Television

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17 replies

  1. Still, you have taken some really nice photos of Garry, the effort is worth it.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The best pictures come out when he’s doing something else and I grab a shot when he’s unaware that I’m shooting. That’s also true for me. But when you are absolutely taking a portrait, it helps to understand what has worked in the past and how to recreate that look.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I remember some celeb (name?) confiding, “I think of someone or someplace with very positive vibes as I pose…it always works.” I should remember that.


  2. I’m usually the one that takes the pictures for the family so I have precious few pictures of myself. This is an observation after the fact.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. yep, same here. No one realizes how much I mean it when I say, “do not do that”. and they insist; I have spoiled more photos by walking away right in the middle. To me, no means no. I respect that in other people as well.
    In our class ‘farewell” photo on our class trip, I am the hand in the back of the group.

    Might have been a holdover from childhood, you know, ‘don’t squint, don’t wiggle, look into the sun, and smile…”

    Liked by 1 person

    • I just don’t like the way I look. Garry doesn’t realize that movement requires moving pictures. So my big goal is to get him to be quiet and stand STILL.


    • Judy, I guess you have to have an affinity for the (still) camera. I’ve heard that people like Marilyn Monroe, Cary Grant saw the camera as “a lover” and responded accordingly. I’ve seen pols just “turn it on” in a photo op. Some have “it”, some (of us) dpn’t have “it”.


  4. Don’t point a camera at me. I am so UN-photogenic it’s sad.
    I’d never make it as a Movie Star.

    Liked by 1 person

    • We all think we look awful, but if we look like that to the camera, we really LOOK like that, which is a far worse thought.

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    • I know about “The camera loves them” people. I ain’t one of them. Go figure. I’ve seen colleagues just bloom as they sit for still pics. Over 40 plus years, I just tighten up unless my attention is diverted.


      • Some people just have it Garry, You’d be hard put find one bad photo of the Duke for instance. And twice as hard put to find 2 good photos of Nixon. ??


  5. That photo is great! I’m in YOUR group…I hate how I look in a photo, therefore I avoid photos with great zest.

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