At first, I thought I wouldn’t see the birds when the weather was bad, rainy, windy, very cold … and then I realized that was exactly when I would see them. Birds are not indoor creatures. They expect the rain to fall on them. They don’t go home to their comfortably dry and heated houses.

That’s why we get so many mice in the fall. They like a warm, heated house too and ours seems to be the one in the neighborhood.

Chickadee in the rain

Rainy Chickadee, cartoon style.

Today was the day of the chickadee. Which is the state bird for Massachusetts, so I suppose we must have a lot of them. I have dozens of them.

Ignoring the rain, grain is good

It’s Red-Bellied Nuthatches one day (doesn’t that sound like some kind of insult?) and Chickadees the next. And then, there are the lurking squirrels.

It’s only a drizzling hard

Just another Chickadee

Actually, that’s not fair. They aren’t lurking. They just eat all the stuff the falls out of the feeders and some days are better than others. this wasn’t a good day. Half a dozen little black birds (Juncos?) were walking around yesterday. They thoroughly cleaned the deck.

Peek-a-boo. Just ignore the raindrops

Categories: #Birds, #Birds, #Photography

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14 replies

  1. The chickadees are such cute little birds.


  2. I love seeing the chickadees (we don’t have them here, though we do see juncos) on your feeder!


  3. The squirrels seem to know where to go for a good meal.


    • Squirrels are clever, though our woods have plenty of food for squirrels. That many oak trees produces mountains of acorns, so they don’t starve anyway. The birds, though, get hungry and freeze.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I saw a squirrel in our back yard today and he was looking very healthy. He had a nice thick coat – hope that doesn’t mean a long, cold winter.


  4. What a wonderful idea. I have several of these in my rosebushes and trees. Maybe they are waiting for me to feed them. I’m going to get a feeder today. I love birds. 💜💜


  5. They are beautiful. Nature’s wonders.

    Liked by 1 person

    • And so was that fat squirrel in the flat feeder this morning. I didn’t have my glasses on, so I thought — Gee, what a big bird! then his tail waved in the air and I said, Oh, that kind of bird. But that’s Okay. I kind of knew the flat feeder would feed the squirrels. Why should the birds have all the fun? By the time I got my glasses on and made it to the kitchen, birds and squirrels had left and all that remained were … you guessed it … dawgz.

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