FOWC with Fandango — Forgive

I didn’t sleep at all last night. I don’t mean I slept restlessly. I mean I was awake the entire night. It was a variety of physical issues. As soon as I got one problem settled down, another popped up.

There are nights like this. Fortunately, not often.

Back in the day, it didn’t bother me very much unless I had a particularly difficult day at work. I’m getting too old to go a whole night without sleep. I’ve got stuff to do. Maybe I can send Garry can pick up a few things and we can defer this for one more day? Pick up a pizza for dinner?

It’s a sunny day! Not a bird was in the sky!

It started when I got to bed very late. Why? Because I was trying to read and respond to blogs — at least to the blogs for the people I consider online friends. I didn’t get to everyone, but at least I managed to get a bunch of them done. Everything else? Deleted. It’s in the Reader. Maybe I’ll find a free hour. Maybe.

My body has shifted all its daytime stuff to the middle of the night. Lots of trips to the bathroom make it hard to settle down — and that’s not the only thing. Everyone else does that stuff during the day. Me? Middle of the night which sometimes makes deep sleep treacherous. I had a reminder list rolling through my head, too. Call the Senior Center to make an appointment to get taxes done. Their times fill up quickly because it’s a free service from the AARP, something I appreciate with all my heart. I have never been any good at doing taxes, not in my entire tax-paying life.

The bright window

And then my legs cramped. I wrapped them in heating pads and after an hour or so, they stopped trying to curl up in weird knots. It’s strange to watch them when they do that. The tendons stand out and the feet curl upwards. It means I’m not drinking enough stuff with electrolytes in it.

Whenever I felt sleepy, my body did something inconvenient and occasionally, painful. My chest, which is still loose and crunches when I move, was particularly crunchy last night. My acid reflux was refluxing like mad because I’ve been trying to take fewer antacids, but my gut doesn’t agree. I think it is never going to get on that bandwagon.

Flowering Christmas Cactus

That I didn’t get into bed until well after 2 in the morning probably didn’t help. If I stay up late enough, I wake up. I am most sleepy around 2 in the afternoon. After I overcome that drowsiness, I get more and more wakeful, so by midnight when Garry is toddling off to bed, I’m ready to party. Well, you know. Not really party hearty, but my version of partying which mostly involves computers and writing and processing photographs. At least after night falls, I stop taking pictures.

So day rolled around again and it’s a beautiful one. Relatively warm with sunshine and blue skies.  The coffee is brewing. I know in an hour, I’ll be ready to crash.

Somehow, night and day have flipped around and that circadian rhythm has gone totally askew. My body thinks night is for doing stuff and except for the 2pm sleepy time, I never seem quite ready for sleep. This didn’t bother me much when I was young. I slept very little and it was okay. I could handle a day’s work on three or four hours of sleep, but as the years have advanced, I need sleep or I’m a train wreck.

At least I figure I’ll sleep tonight. In the recliner and in bed. I think I have a solid 12 hours of sleep waiting for me. I sure hope so. Time to call the Senior Center. Well, not quite yet. in another half hour. Meanwhile, coffee anyone?

Categories: #FOWC, #Photography, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Morning, Winter

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30 replies

  1. Yes, coffee with cream and sugar please. 🙂 Sometimes I try to remember back when I was in my middle years, and I’d go to bed around 10-11, lay down, close my eyes, go to sleep, wake up when the alarm went off. I sure wish I had appreciated those days. 🙂


  2. I’ve read that it’s a negative to have any “screen time” right before bed. I’ve switched over to only reading actual books before trying to sleep.


  3. I have nights like that. I call ’em my Princess and the pea nights, when nothing works as it should and everything is uncomfortable. I hope you have a better sleep tonight.


  4. I’ve been having nights like that, cramps and all. So today I managed to fall asleep somewhere around 4 am, then slept until 11 am. By 4 pm, I needed a nap and totally conked out. This does not bode well for tonight’s sleep. Ugh.


  5. I have a travel radio with ear buds for nights like that. It often put me to sleep.


  6. I hate nights like that. I’m a basket case the whole next day. Ugh. Good luck tonight. I hope you’ll get a good, solid, uninterrupted 8+ hours.


  7. Oh boy you‘re just describing MY sleeping (non sleeping) pattern. With me it‘s all the thoughts not being allowed to creep up during the day so there we go – they‘ve got all night to develop and disrupt, disturb, go on my nerves, get my upset….. I try all the ‚normal‘ sheep counting stuff like breathing deeply and relaxing, which is fine until I have the very same sort of cramps as you describe, not too badly but enough to upset me, making me move around thinking if I still should be taking MORE magnesium, calcium etc and if new varies are forming nightly…. It‘s a nightmare, and then I‘ll be up till 2am which is not very good either as our days should really start at 6h30 approx – sometimes my head nearly hits the table for a while but I‘m too tired to climb upstairs to my bed!!!! Can‘t win 😉


    • For me, it’s an electrolyte issue. I tend to not drink enough of anything, much less electrolytes. I tried walking the cramps off and finally wrapped the legs in heated pads. It was the night that NEVER ended. i think I’m still IN it!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. 😟💤💤😟
    May you actually get the z’s you need!


  9. I hate to say it, but as one year after another piles up, our sleeping habits change. I talked to my doctor, whose practice consists of anyone 65 years and older, and she told me that we revert back to our baby hours, sleeping for a while and then waking up for a while, in a kind of erratic pattern. She gave me sleeping pills that I take once a week in order to be ready to go to an eight in the morning church service on Sunday. The other nights I just do my usual sleep, wake up, sleep, wake up routine. It’s the pits.


    • Yes, it really IS the pits. You never feel rested. But last night, I didn’t fall asleep at ALL, which was a serious bummer. Usually, I catch a few naps between waking up, but last night? I was just plain awake.


  10. In the new found life of Mr. Swiss, he now goes to bed at 11.00 pm. It used to be abou 2.00 a.m. So what do I do. I was an 11.30 p.m. type, but now I go to be half an hour earlier and I am loving it. I sleep OK, but it all depends on whether I can sleep again after the nightly visit to the WC. I can always compensate at lunch time for a couple of hours.


  11. These nights are so tiring. I hope that you get a good nights sleep tonight.


  12. For some reason i have been sleeping on the floor since New Year. No idea why

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