SMALL SUBJECTS – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Small Subjects

This reminds me of a very (VERY) old joke I first heard as a little kid, maybe five or six.

“A big elephant is big and a little elephant is small. A big fly is big and a little fly is small. Therefore, a big fly is bigger than a small elephant.” This was the ultimate definition of a syllogism, at least for a first grader.

So small. How small?

These are Native American fetishes — very small ones. I do have bigger ones, but you asked for small and small you are getting!

ALL of these fetishes will fit comfortably in one of my hands. They are absolutely guaranteed — SMALL.

The healing bear and the ram

Standing Wolf

Black and white married wolves

Categories: #black-&-white-photography, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge

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14 replies

  1. Your collection must be priceless and a beautiful representation of North American art.


  2. I really like both wolves. 😀 😀


    • The wolves and bears are my favorites. I lost a couple of bears which fell out of the cabinet and shattered. They were lovely. I have more, but the light was fading and I did what I could. I used to own lights. I’m sorry I gave them up, though they did take up an awful lot of space.


  3. Those critters would all become corrupted in no time around my gang. They would be fetishes with fetishes…


    • These guys are really TINY — and fragile. I keep them behind glass doors because if I drop them, they are gone. Some are sturdier than others and the larger ones are stronger.


  4. Interesting little things. Are they just decorative or did they have a function?


  5. Small but so detailed


  6. I’ve been down to sub-atomic levels recently.

    Humans don’t do ‘small’ all that well, i find.

    ( I can’t think of all that much we do do well? How about you?) 😉
