FOOTSES AND LEGSES – Marilyn Armstrong

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Feet and/or Legs

Feet and legs. Okay. Got that. Let me see what in my archives I can find and post. It’s always a bit of a gamble, but I’ll do my best!

Gotta love the feet and legs!

I’m walking here …

Photo: Garry Armstrong – That horse has attitude!

Just rolling!

Thinking of a warm barn?

The Duke

Gibbs’ feet

Garry’s and the Duke’s feet and legs

Lots of legs

Categories: #animals, #Birds, #Photography, #Squirrel, Cee's Photo Challenge, horses

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5 replies

  1. Wonderful photos … so delightful for this week. I love the horse on its back.


    • He was a HUGE horse, too. The farm owner had six of them and a beautiful carriage he rented out for weddings. He also used to occasionally just hitch them up and trot into town. Ironstone Farm. When he got very old, he had to sell them and I hope they are well, but I always like walking up to their fence and petting their big, soft noses.


  2. Well done!
