Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Animals

Animals! What could be more fun? Do people count?

Goldfinch flock

Categories: #animals, #gallery, #Photography, Cee's Photo Challenge, farm, Marilyn Armstrong

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15 replies

  1. what a joyful gathering! made me smile 🙂


  2. What a delightful post for animals. Thanks Marilyn 😀


  3. Lovely – all of them – hard to find a favourite.


  4. You’ve taken photos of a lot more different species of animals than I have. I can think of two you omitted that I really liked… the two goats and the unicorn! Not many people have captured a unicorn before…


    • I forgot the goats! Oops. I didn’t forget the Unicorn, but I had so many pictures in the gallery, I was afraid one more was gonna blow the whole thing up. I hadn’t realized I had so many pictures, but I suppose over all these years, I got a few more than I realized. I don’t have any zoo animals. I’m a bit allergic to animals in cages, but well-kept and happy farm animals are favorites. Didn’t get any pigs. There used to be a lot of pigs around here, but I haven’t seen any lately. And I didn’t get many of the really HUGE horses because the people who keep them live off private roads and I need permission to go there. One of these days, though, I will. The Belgians are so glorious horses and they are easily the size of a five-ton truck. Not as fast, but quite possibly as strong.


  5. Aaaah, what a fab collection of fun animal pictures! Made me smile. There’s a book in this… 🙂


  6. Next time you post about animals, you can include “The Milk Brigade” my Gang. P8080119.JPG


  7. You have a great variety of critters there Marilyn. I do like that one of Garry with the two Scotties.
