FOWC with Fandango — Surreal

This is the second of the two Dirk Gently books written by Douglas Adams, my time-twin except he’s dead and I’m not. Yet.  It’s an audiobook and it was written by Douglas Adams and is narrated by him, too.

There are not many of these original books written and narrated by the late, great Douglas Adams. There were original versions of all of his “Hitchhiker” books with him as the narrator, but no one has them anymore. It’s a pity because no one narrated Douglas Adams as well as Douglas Adams. He was, among other things, one of the Goon Show people and did a lot of work for the BBC. He also tended to do at least a small amount of editing and moving about of characters when he read. After all, who knew his books better than he did?

Of the many books Adams’ wrote, this is my all-time favorite. I start to cackle at the opening lines:

By Douglas Adams

I keep chortling, cackling, laughing all the way through. It’s not merely funny. It’s surreal and funny. It’s outlandish and funny. It’s bizarrely and weirdly true — and still funny.

Garry has never read the books, or rather he took a pass at “Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” but he didn’t get it. But he is definitely getting this. I did have to slow it down to 75% because Douglas Adams talks very fast and Garry doesn’t hear very fast.

Yes, you can read this in words and it is still funny, surreal, witty, and wonderful. To hear the author read it himself is special. The thing is, Adams wrote for radio.

This is part two of a series (it might be a series of three since “A Salmon of Doubt” was supposed to be Part I but somehow isn’t, exactly). It stands by itself and you don’t need to read the books in order.

Author: Douglas Adams

He worked with sound. Most of his material sounds beautiful to one’s ears. It’s an almost perfect counterpoint for the dreariness of current reality.

If by some chance you haven’t really read or listened to Douglas Adams — and especially if the world is getting to you (it certainly is getting to me!) — this will lighten the load. A little bit. A tingle.

A touch of the joy of a world we need to recover.

Categories: #FOWC, Audiobook, Author, Book Review, Daily Prompt, Fandango's One Word Challenge, Literature

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26 replies

  1. Read (at least partially, don’t remember it too well) the Hitchhiker but was drawn in by the beginning of the above text – it is still possible to hear him – just type three words into our ‘utube’: douglas adams audiobook . You get hours and hours of listening material!


  2. The Hitchhikers radio play (BBC?) Was brilliant. I even recorded much of it. The movie didn’t work though.


  3. It’s many years since I read the Dirk Gently books. I recently watched both series on Amazon Prime Video, though. Very good!


  4. One of my favourite audiobooks – Adams knew how to read his writing perfectly.


  5. I’ve only read Hitchikers Guide. I loved it though!


  6. I read Hitchhiker’s Guide some time ago and found it good. I was a fan of the Goon Show and would listen regularly on the radio, but I did not know that Douglas Adams was involved somewhere, probably a script writer.


    • I’m pretty sure Monte Python is an outgrowth of the Goon Show too. Really, they are all connected. Douglas Adams worked with John Cleese who also worked with Peter Sellers … and every last one of them wrote scripts for Dr. Who, a show I keep expecting to like, but so far, it just hasn’t grabbed me.


    • I think you’d like this maybe even better. It’s a whole story with a plot and everything. And it is genuinely funny and bizarre.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Have you ever read Thorne Smith’s Night Life of the Gods? I couldn’t stop laughing.


  8. I might be with Garry when it comes to a Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxies, but I’ll see if I can find his other books. I do love a good cackle. 😆
