This is a reblog from a Fandango “Provocative President” post some months back. As we get closer to the election, Pete Buttigieg has moved to the forefront as a potential candidate. Thus I’m running this again and I think it deserves to be run again. Elizabeth Warren and Pete Buttigieg?

From Fandango:

“For those of you who may not follow American politics, let me introduce to you Pete Buttigieg. “Mayor Pete,” as he is known, is seeking the Democratic nomination to run for President of the United States. He is a graduate of Harvard University, a Rhodes Scholar, a Navy veteran who served in Afghanistan. He is currently the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana. And as a bonus — he’s white and Christian. The perfect candidate, right?

He’s ranking third or fourth (out of 20) in the early political polls and is getting a lot of attention and positive press.

He’s also gay and married to his husband, Chasten. Wait! What?”

So here is the question:

“Do you think America is ready for an openly gay person to be elected to the office of President of the United States? Explain your opinion.”

I first would like to point out that “gay” used to mean happy and carefree … and America is 100% ready for that! I can’t think of anything we need more than a spirit of joy and freedom.

As for the more modern meaning of “gay,” my answer is a solid “I don’t know.”

I would, given the negative ionization of the air over America for the past two and something years, would be inclined to say no. Except that I would also have been sure we would not have a black president — twice — and we could never have such a current lowlife elected to the presidency, either.

Each was impossible and both were elected.

Pete Buttigieg – Photo: ABC News

So I don’t know. Our political pendulum swings wildly from side to side, kind of “The Pit and the Pendulum” of American politics. It isn’t unusual for us to go from very liberal to very conservative presidents and we’ve done it any number of times. Can we do it this time?

I really don’t know. There’s a lot of “playing out” of our political spider web still to be done. It’s not impossible and it also isn’t likely. Which is to say it’s neither probable nor outlandish.

I would hope the qualities of the man will be the point on which judgments are made, not to whom he is married. Hey, at least he is married and not a serial philanderer. Or a sociopathic liar. Or a self-promoting moron.

But who knows? Maybe America is not ready for a sane president yet. Maybe we need to roll around in the sty with the pigs for another term of office before we get our fill of this particular nightmare.

And maybe the world will never be the way it was after this presidency. There are too many questions without answers, so, in my opinion, it is also too early to gauge for whom we might vote.

We have miles to go in that snowy woods. What I do know is that the Democrats have yet to even make it clear for what they stand. Until they get their heads wrapped around their position, you can’t know where the voters stand.

Categories: #LGBT, Daily Prompt, Marilyn Armstrong, Politics

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17 replies

  1. Gay, Straight, Trans, man woman.., we’ve gone from the best to the worst in a mere 4 years, one term. We’re ready for another really good person as president.


  2. The country is not ready for a gay president, nor a woman, especially a black one. I like parts of all. We need to get past old white men! I’d vote for any of them. Kick Trump out!


  3. You’ve probably already had a gay president and didn’t know it. There was a time when all those personal things were not considered nor discussed.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’d be happy with Mayor Pete, or Elizabeth, or Cory, or most of the Democratic candidates.


  5. This man is not defined by his sexuality…. so don’t treat him like his sexuality….
    you had a black president… you got it right and saw past the color of his skin and saw the amazing man… so the same here … see the person ….
    as for Donald trump America you had a brain fart

    Liked by 1 person

    • That is true. I’d vote for Obama again if I could. The question is not whether or not this country as a whole is ready and that’s pretty hard to tell. I’m not even sure we’re ready for a woman!

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I think the answer lies in the last paragraph of this post. We will only be able to see the candidate positions when the party shows its positions — until then, it’s too early to select a candidate. My feeling is that the closer the candidate is to center, the likelier he/she is to become President — there has been a lot of divisiveness in the last couple of Presidencies, and the country is ready for a bait more unity accompanied by calm.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I suppose living in Massachusetts — the bluest state of states — changes one’s viewpoint. I very “pro” Elizabeth Warren, but Pete would make a fantastic running mate.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I also live in a blue state, although Orange County is finally just now turning blue. I also like Kamala Harris, though I think she’ll be more ready in another 4 years. It will be interesting to see how it all shakes out!
