AND OUT CAME THE SUN — Marilyn Armstrong

I woke up feeling a lot better. Tired, but better. Little rays of sunshine were sneaking in around the blinds and at 6 in the morning, which is this time of year, just before dawn, the sky was that beautiful deep violet that promises a sunny day. They promised it last night on the weather, but rain again by tomorrow with much heavier rain on Wednesday. I don’t think we’ll run out of water!

Hairy Woodpecker

I tried having a little coffee this morning, but my body started screaming “NO NO NO!” I decided maybe I should listen. But I have the cup and the coffee here, so I can pretend I’m drinking it.

I also took pictures.


About those squirrels. We filled both wire feeders last night and discarded the flat feeder. The squirrels eat the entire contents of the flat feeder in mere minutes. At least they have to eat more slowly from the wired ones. When we finished cleaning them, they were full. Nine pounds of seeds.


Still hungry after all those seeds!

Beware birds! The hanging squirrel is here!

The squirrels were out in full force today. Each wire feed had two squirrels hooked on it. I swear they looked like huge, furry leeches. They can’t eat as much from the wire feeders as from the flat feeder, but they still knocked off about five pounds of seeds before lunch.


One of them decided to try a direct face-off with me, so I let Duke out on the porch. Big fluffy might try to face ME down, but not a dog. About five minutes later, the birds decided it was safe to come back.


Another Titmouse

We must have done a good job with the squirrels last year because there are so MANY of them this year. Most of them were quite little when we put the feeders up, but they aren’t little now. They are big and round and have absolutely gorgeous fur. Every day, they are less afraid of me and Garry (though Garry seems to have more impact than I do).

A baby Downy Woodpecker

Today, they dug in and wouldn’t leave. I had to go outside. They waited until I was standing next to them. Then they inched back a foot or two. Cheeky! Garry and I need to learn to growl and bark. Apparently, they take dogs more seriously than people. So I have a few bird pictures I took this morning.

Titmouse on the railing

A lot of the birds are very small. I think they are just post fledgling. Many of them still have the flecks of color on their white breasts from their brief teenage years. The tiny woodpeckers are especially cute.

Categories: #Birds, #Photography, #Squirrel, Marilyn Armstrong

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19 replies

  1. Cheeky buggers, those squirrels, but absolutely GORGEOUS. Still, it would be kind if they gave the birds at least a small chance! 🙂


    • I actually went out and growled at them. It worked better than yelling at them. But they are really massive over-eaters. And today, I went out and there were four on two feeders and literally, the rest of them were lined up on the railing. Gimme a break!


  2. You definitely have to make those squirrels work harder for their food. Is there a dent in one of your wire feeders? Somebody has been pulling pretty hard on it.


  3. If you and Garry are thinking about growling and barking, either you are getting better or things have definitely taken a turn for the worst! 😀


  4. Glad you are feeling a bit better, Marilyn.


  5. I’m glad you’re feeling at least a little better.


  6. “Tired, but better”. I can relate
