THE BONUS SQUARES – Marilyn Armstrong


There is actually a chip in one of my cameras, but there’s nothing much on it yet. I just inserted it. I’ve gotten into the habit of replacing a chip as soon as I remove one so that I won’t have one of those “moments” when you realized you removed the SD card, but forgot to put another one in. This way, I make sure there’s always a usable battery AND and card. Now, if only I would stop panicking every time I can’t see out of my lens and check to make sure I’ve removed the lens cap!

These are the last pictures I took on New Year’s Eve afternoon.

Squirrel on the feeder

Feeding time!

I should mention that both these squirrels were eating at the same time and two more were waiting on the wood railing.


Categories: #animals, #Photography, #Squirrel, Marilyn Armstrong, Nature, square

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6 replies

  1. Fat and fluffy… just how I like my squirrels.


  2. Roundup of the usual suspects.


  3. I can see they are fattening up right before your eyes….


  4. Phew I am glad I am not the only one who does that with the lens cap! Great bonus squares Marilyn
