I don’t think anyone could say it better and certainly not in rhyme.

lifelessons - a blog by Judy Dykstra-Brown


He’s up there on the platform acting crass and disagreeable.
That he will bring the whole world down around him is foreseeable.
Every single day I hope and pray for his quiescence,
but, alas, refraining from brash speech is not his essence.
He opens mouth and words fall out—disjointed, vague and dense.
He’d make a great orator if only he made sense.
Good that his mother cannot see the travesty she bore—
narcissistic, senseless, and rotten to the core.
His attempts at humor only render him more silly.
His stench sickening and cloying—like an Easter lily.
He’s like a wild animal: vicious, cunning, feral.
What more can he do to put our whole wide world in peril?
No good can be said of him. He’s rotten through and through.
Daily, the world waits for him to drop the other shoe.

Prompt words today are disagreeable, platform, mother

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Categories: poem, POTUS, reblog

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6 replies

  1. yes, to all of this


  2. My greatest fear when he came to power was the thought that this man could destroy our world….but it wasn’t an immediate ‘press that button’ moment at all…just a painfully slow destruction of all that had gone before him and he continues to ‘not surprise us’ with his unbelievable ignorance.Surely he must go? But sadly there are no great leaders anywhere in sight all over the world..what a shambles it all is, and no better here either 😦


    • I’m mentally a bit paralyzed because I don’t know what to do or how to do it. I’m afraid to go out and I’m afraid NOT to. This is going to be one of the really bad years of our lifetime.


  3. He is beyond words. The closest I can come is the evil generated by stupidity and ignorance.\
